By Staff
Published on March 1, 1969
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This picture of a light vertical milling machine which is offered in kit form by CALDWELL INDUSTRIES, Box 170, Luling, Texas 78648. For any further information write to the above.
This picture of a light vertical milling machine which is offered in kit form by CALDWELL INDUSTRIES, Box 170, Luling, Texas 78648. For any further information write to the above.
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This 46'' model is the largest of our 4 traction engines. They are all described in our 120 page 1969 catalog, which only costs $2.
This 46'' model is the largest of our 4 traction engines. They are all described in our 120 page 1969 catalog, which only costs $2.

Box 1 70, Luling, Texas 78648

The neglected metal working hobbyist can now find contentment in
the complete line of goods offered by CALD WELL INDUSTRIES of
Luline, Texas. Their line, most of which is made in England, now
offers for the first time in the American market many of the
excellent items which have made metal working an extremely popular

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