1961 West Side Drive Rochester 24, New York
(This very interesting article was unintentionally misplaced. We
surely apologize for such carelessness, however, the article is a
good one even though it is a year late! Elmer)
We thought the readers of the Album might like to hear from a
group in the Empire State. In our state the use of steam engines
mile was unusually high. Almost countless rigs were employed in
custom threshing, ensilage cutting and wood buzzing. Our land is
generally not sufficiently flat for steam plowing so the plowing
was done with horses and the acreage per farmer was small. Many
steam engines were used in factories, power plants and in sawmills.
Many more were used in grading for canals and roads and in building
construction. Still more were hauling trains while others were
powering automobiles and boats. Others were used in the cider and
the maple syrup industries.
In our vicinity the three men who seem to be ‘breaking
trail’ for the steam fans are Messrs. Robert Marshall of East
Bloomfield, Homer Prudom of Fairport and Wally E. Wood of
Rochester. Bob is our No. 1 collector. In his collection are ten
steam traction engines, gasoline engines, steam automobile engines
and numerous steam models. The collection may be seen at Bob’s
Garage on Route 20 near East Bloomfield. Homer is our ‘voice of
experience’ He operated threshing machinery for many years and
A. C. (after combines) operated a steam crane in a rail yard. It
was he of the Homer and Wally team who fired the 7 x 10 double
Prick belonging to Mr. James Conrad of Waterloo, Indiana, to claim
the record (82 hp) in driving the Baker fan at the ’59 reunion
at Montpelier. Incidentally, Homer and Wally fired up over thirty
times this last season. Wally may best be remembered as the
displayer of the many models, both steam engines and steam
driven equipment such as a miniature saw mill, etc. Various
groupings of these three plus the writer wish to say ‘thank you
for the privilege and fun of operating your engine’ to:
Mr. Conrad (before mentioned)
Mr. Lester Norris of Marcellus, N.Y. for his Lang & Button
and for his two Case engines.
Mr. Ray Alexander of Penn Yan, N.Y. for his Prick (it’s a
Frick without a click – how’s that?)
Mr. Gene Hake of Akron, N.Y. for his Buffalo-Pitts Roller and
his Peerless stationary.
Mr. Sam Harrington of Akron, N.Y. for his small steam train in
Boulder Park at Indian Palls, N.Y. Mr.
Donald Field of LaFayette, N.Y. for his Stevens at the State
Pair at Syracuse, N.Y.
Mr. Ed Faulkner of Honeoye Falls, N.Y. for his Frick at his
threshing bee.
Mr. Robert Marshall for the 40 Case, the 80 Case and the 14
Buffalo-Pitts from his collection used for impromptu reunions,
various local fairs and at the State Fair.
For a wintertime project the four of us are currently reflueing
and renovating Bob’s 1922 Baker Special, a 23-90 job.
Incidentally there was much interest in the engines and antique
machinery at the State Pair. We hope to be there again and to see
more of you next season so stop and see us!