2315 S. Birmingham Place, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114
The Oklahoma Steam Threshers Association annual show was
presented July 23, 24, and 25, 1976 in Pawnee, Oklahoma.
On the Tuesday prior to the show weekend, newspasper and
television reporters were invited to come and take pictures.
Several did attend and put together some excellent publicity that
quite a preview! Eight Case engines were moved cross country, 1
mile, from the Kenneth Kelley place to the Pawnee Fairgrounds.
Leading the parade was a 110 Case, followed by an 80, 75, 65, 50,
45, 36, and a 40 horsepower roadroller. The 36 Case is owned by Ted
‘Pappy’ Crocker; the other engines are owned by Kenneth and
Cecil Kelley.
Over eight thousand people attended the three-day show. Members
felt that the figure was low due to the Olympics being on
television that weekend and an unusually hot spell of weather.
Real engine enthusiasts were not to be kept away and they came
to see over 20 steam traction engines; a giant 20 x 36 Corliss, gas
tractors including a 30-60 Aultman Taylor and a 35-70 Minneapolis.
Also on display were approximately 100 gas stationary engines and a
saw mill run by 28 horse Minneapolis. There was a shingle mill and
a grist mill in operation and demonstrations of plowing (12 bottom
plow) with the 110 Case; threshing; engines on the teeter-toter and
Baker fan; and steam engine on an incline demonstrated by Art
Kosted in his 50 Case.
Country and Western music star, Hank Thompson, appeared before a
standing-room-only crowd. There was also as program of Blue Grass
music, a square dance, and a melodrama.
Club members continue to improve the show grounds by clearing
more land, grading, and putting up new buildings to house displays,
concessions, art and craft sales, and food service. A large
open-sided building seats several hundred people for special
programs; and is good for sitting in the shade to watch engines
parade past.
The Women’s Auxiliary of the Steam Threshers organized
during the past year. They continue to help with the show, as
always, but now work under the banner of ‘The
You are all invited to the 1977 show, July 14, 15, 16, 17 in
Pawnee Oklahoma; it is in the heart of Oklahoma’s ‘Green
County’ just a little over one hours driving from Tulsa.
Inquiries about the Oklahoma Association or Show can be
addressed to Kenneth Kelley, Pawnee, Oklahoma, 74058. Kelley is the
treasurer; other officers are: Ivan Burns, president; Bill
Jennings, secretary; Vince Chapman, assistant secretary. Directors
are: H. G. Bomhoff, Lyman Knapp, Art Kosted, Mervin Shiveley, and
John Younkman.