Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Rough and Tumble held their first OKTOBER-FEST at Kinzer,
Pennsylvania, October 15, 1977. Many steam and gas units were in
operation also the sawmill, shingle mill and many others. The Baum
back family were hard-pressed to meet the demand for fresh cider
from their press run by an old gas engine.
Crafts are an important part of the OKTOBER-FEST. Many fine
crafters showed, demonstrated and sold their unusual items to the
visitors from several states.
Movies and slides were shown all day by Roland Woodward, all of
which were outstanding. The enthusiastic Tumblers have plans to
further expand crafts and pictures, as well as steam and gas
operations for the next OKTOBERFEST.
Newly acquired and completed wagon displays and horse-drawn
implements have generated much interest.
If you missed this fine fall show, then do make plans now for
the next OCTOBER-FEST in 1978 on October 14, 1978.