Dr. C. A. Pinkenburg of 254 West First, Hoisington, Kansas 67544
wrote to say that he enjoyed reading his father-in-law’s, J. F.
Komarek’s copies of Iron-Men Album. Dr. Pinkenburg sent us a
copy of the following story which seems to have come from a 1915
catalog, and tells the story of the company’s famous eagle.
Old Abe, the famous war eagle of Wisconsin, was captured by
Chief Sky, a Chippewa Indian, son and successor of Thunder of Bees,
during sugar-making time in 1861 on the Flambeau river.
While on the road, the young Chief sold his precious bird to
Daniel McCann of Evil Point, for a bushel of corn. An old veteran
with a bias for oratory thus describes the transaction: ‘And
for this paltry sum was a noble bird sold from freedom to
captivity; from barbarism to civilization; from the murmer of the
pines to the crash of battles; from obscurity to fame.’
Daniel McCann carried the eagle to Eau Claire and offered the
eagle, now full grown and handsome, to what subsequently became
Company ‘C’ of the Eighth, or Eagle Regiment.
The eagle was christened Old Abe in honor of the man on whom
were centered the hearts and minds of all the people.
Old Abe was in thirty-six battles. During the engagements he
suffered but fewslight wounds, and returned home to Madison hale
and hearty. In 1880, when the soldiers’ reunion, on a vast
scale, was being held in Milwaukee, Old Abe attended, sharing the
honors of the event with General Grant.
In the winter of 1881 a fire started in some old paints and oil
stored in the basement of the Wisconsin State Capitol, where Old
Abe spent his days. On March 26, 1881, with a slight tremor Old Abe
expired in the arms of his keeper, George Gillis. Like the great
Napoleon, Old Abe died out of battle.
Old Abe witnessed the saddest war in history, but today he is
known and revered throughout the world as a sign of peace and
plenty, the sign of industry. Business men know him because CASE
machines bear his picture. Over the main door of the CASE office is
a gigantic bronze of Old Abe.
While you are reading these lines, CASE Threshing machines in
various parts of the earth are separating from the chaff, the grain
which makes the bread for both the powerful and the humble. They
are being driven by power generated in CASE tractors, burning in
some localities coal,-in some gasoline and kerosene, in others
straw or wood. The threshed grain, grown on land plowed and made
ready for seed by gang-plows bearing our name, is being carried
over roads made by CASE road machinery, and in those parts of the
world, when the day’s work is done, the toilers are resting
from their labors, many of them enjoying in their CASE motor cars
the quiet restfulness of out of doors.
This is only part of the story of Old Abe. We will send you a
copy of this interesting booklet if you want it.