10022 Marnice Avenue, Tujunga, California 91042
Smoke hung over the little town as I approached Mount Pleasant,
Iowa, and as I drove through town and saw the pickups, lowboys,
cars and busses carrying people to and from the fairgrounds, I knew
this was going to be one big show.
For many years I had anticipated this moment, and today I was
Old Settlers and Threshers Association. Even through they have
converted from coal to wood as fuel in order to cut down on
pollution, the smell of wood smoke and valve oil made a wonderful
aroma and I hurried through town to get to the fairgrounds, the
mecca of all lovers of steam-driven engines.
I had arrived late Wednesday afternoon, intending to stay for
the first two days of the show, as prior commitments for the
weekend precluded a longer stay. As I drove slowly around the
grounds, the hustle and bustle of the setting up for the show was
everywhere. Equipment was being moved around, steam engines were
being serviced, some cold, some hot and some just setting there
with their flywheels slowly revolving, all bringing back memories
of my childhood days on the farm.
I was to meet a good friend of mine, Charley Starkey of East
Vinton, Iowa, and he wasn’t too hard to locate, because Charley
talks constantly and usually has quite a large audience. He had his
travel trailer with him and we were to bunk down in it. So after
getting settled, he took me on a tour of the grounds.
Thursday morning dawned foggy and with the appearance of rain.
Picture taking was out, so I devoted the day to getting acquainted
and walking. I was amazed at the size of the grounds and the amount
of equipment on display. Not only traction engines (65 full size
and about 30 models and oddballs) but a couple of hundred gas
and diesel tractors, antique automobiles, horses and horse drawn
equipment, gasoline engines, flea markets, a railroad train,
buildings housing farming memprabilia, including a full size
threshing rig turning slowly, propelled by an electric motor, and
a complete operating display of beautiful steam engines,
including an enormous Corliss compound pumping unit. It quite took
my breath away.
Starkey and I had rolls and coffee early, but about 10
o’clock I adjourned to the food tents for a thresher man’s
breakfast. Three tents were operating by the St. Alphonsus,
Methodist, and Faith Lutheran churches. Those ladies really know
how to cook, and their hot biscuits, sausage and gravy breakfasts
can’t be beat.
The setup for threshing was scheduled for 10:30 A.M. and 3:00
P.M. They used two separators side by side each day with a
different engine, letting the old timers see just about all of
their favorite engines in operation. In the gas tractor area
they did the same with their equipment.
One of the highlights of the show, in my opinion, was the
horse-operated thresher. I understand that there is an Amish
community nearby and they furnished the horses for this operation.
Twelve almost perfectly matched Belgians, hooked to an enormous
sweep, furnished the power for the thresher, and it was a wonderful
sight to see those beautiful animals stepping proudly, and a little
nervous, I might add, around and around, and the roar of the
thresher and the straw flying in the wind.
Having met a number of engine men the previous day, I went over
and renewed acquaintances with a few. Henry Oswald of Monmouth,
Illinois, when he found I was from California, took me around and
introduced me to a number of his friends. Then there was MiloÂ
Mathews of Mt. Union, Iowa; Virgil Coon rod of Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
and Melvin Mathews of Cameron, Illinois, who had the lowest
numbered engine at the show, built in 1887 and still running.
As the day drew to a close, the fires were banked and many
adjourned to the grandstand where they were entertained by Charley
Pride and his group until far into the night. However, I found that
after a big meal at the cook tents I was ready  for bed,
so I headed back to the trailer where I found Starkey, already
bedded down for the night.
Friday dawned a little bit better, still hot but the fog had
gone away. So I dug out my camera and after another hot biscuits,
sausage and gravy breakfast, I headed for the engines, got some
shots and then to the grandstand for the big parade. This was
something to write home about, first the band concert, then the
parade. First were the horse- drawn wagons, buggies and surreys,
then the old cars, everything from a one-cylinder Cadillac to Model
T Fords and Willys Knights. Gas tractors were next, and to bring up
the rear, the steam engines, smoking and hissing and bringing the
crowd to its feet with their racket and whistles.
I had told Starkey I was leaving Friday evening, so he decided
he had better head for home, too, so we went over to his trailer
and hooked up. I bade him goodbye and he headed for
Back over to the steam traction engine area to say farewell to a
wonderful bunch of men. However, I fell into the clutches of Henry
Oswald again who had another fellow for me to meet. This was John
Louch, who is a designer and builder of steamboats. We had quite a
long talk, as I am interested in the Delta Queen and the old
Green Line boats that used to ply the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.
We agreed to exchange some plans and tape recordings and on that
note I took my leave.
As much as I hated to, I had to load up the car and say goodbye
to Mt. Pleasant and head for Kentucky, where the wife and I
were vacationing. But as I left this beautiful little spot and
headed east, I thought how wonderful it had been to have been able
to spend a couple of days with these wonderful, friendly people.
They and their wonderful old machines from our past have succeeded
in doing what the poet said when he penned these words–
Turn backward, turn backward, O time in your flight, And
make me a child again, just for tonight.
The age of ERA has arrived. This young lady and her sister spent
a month painting and shining up this Reeves twin cylinder for the
show. A beautiful bit of work. Sorry fellows, I didn’t get her