Charles Provencher Jr., P.O. Box 81589, Cleveland, OH 44181; (724) 654-6066, has some interesting questions this issue. Charles writes:
I am writing to comment about Harris Photo #1 (Steam Traction, Fall 2007, page 8). This photo shows a traction engine powering a threshing machine by means of a PTO device instead of a belt. It might be of interest to know that in the book This was Wheat Farming by Kirby Brumfield, published in 1968, there is also a photo (page 95) showing a traction engine powering a thresher by a PTO rod, not a belt. The caption states the photo (no date given) was taken in Pendleton, Ore., and the engine is a Case return-flue, not mentioning if it was a straw burner. To my 80-year-old eyeballs, there are similarities in the two engines. Perhaps some young, sharp-eyed staffer should do a comparison and give their opinion. The results might help identify the engine shown in the magazine.
In the “110 HP Case” article by Bill Vossler (Steam Traction, Fall 2007, page 18), it was stated that good firing technique was to put “black on black.” Did the author really mean to say that? When I first learned to fire boilers in September 1949, I was always told to put “black on white.” That is, put the fresh coal on the hot spots on the grate to prevent them from becoming too thin. So, I am wondering if I correctly understand the author’s meaning, not to criticize, just a comment.
I still fire, but now not for pay just hobby fun.
Editor’s note: One of our sharp-eyed staffers took your advice Charles. Indeed, the engine in the photo from This was Wheat Farming looks to be the same as the engine in the photo submitted by Paul Harris for identification. Readers like you have direct experience with this machinery, and we depend on your 80-year-old eyes and knowledge to help inform our readers. Thanks for your help.
As for the question on firing with coal, the actual quote Charles refers to reads, “They watched and opened the door, and looked in and tossed the fuel in right on top of the dark spots. They had a bed of coal and an efficient fire, and I’m willing to say they would use half the fuel, or less, than what is used today.”
This brings up interesting questions about firing techniques – readers?
Emma Turnage, P.O. Box 373, Nevis, MN 56467, shares with us a bit on her grandfather’s threshing outfit. Emma writes:
Long before northwest Ohio became the founder of threshing associations such as the National Thresher’s Assn., there were men who in their communities formed their own threshing associations. One that I know about was the Swancreek Threshing Assn. Swancreek was in the Monclova area in Lucas County, Ohio. My grandfather Henry Nachtrab belonged to this association. Henry was born and raised in Monclova and worked on his father’s, Joseph A. Nachtrab, threshing crew in the area when he was growing up.
The members of the Swancreek Threshing Assn. – from 1910 until the late 1940s – were Andrew Shoemaker, Aaron Mollenkopf, John Strayer, Fred Kiefer, Frank Dennis, J. Kiefer, Walter Strayer, Roscoe Ziegler, George Fuller, William Fuller and Henry Nachtrab. Henry had the threshing outfit and had to provide the men for the jobs. He had a crew of six to eight men each year, which over the years included an uncle, Henry Hartman and two sons Howard and Lawrence.
Henry paid his crew $2 a day and received his payment from the association members 30 days after the threshing on their farms. Threshing prices started with wheat at 3-1/2 cents, oats 2-1/2 cents, clover $1 and corn 3 cents per bushel. Shredding fodder was $2 an hour and seed hulling 75 cents per bushel. These prices went up a couple of cents over the years.
During the threshing years, Henry used a 16 HP Nichols & Shepard steam engine; a 20 HP Russell steam engine, no. 1246; and a 30-60 Russell gas tractor, no. 1572. Henry’s other equipment was a 36-56 Nichols & Shepard separator, no. F25837; a 33-56 Baker separator, no. 11988; a Peerless separator; a Universal feeder, no. 6977; a Birdsell feeder; a Hart B&B weigher; a Farmer’s Friend and Birdsell windstacker; a McCormick shredder; a Rosenthal ensilage cutter; and a Birdsell clover huller. Henry had the equipment insured each year for fire, wind, lightning and tornado damage with the Ohio Threshermen’s Mutual Insurance Assn. of Columbus, Ohio.
In 1912, Henry built a 40-by-40-foot shop on his farm to store and maintenance his threshing equipment. His older brother Stephen would come to his farm to help, so Henry would have the threshing equipment ready by the next threshing season. The south wall of the shop had a built-in 40-foot cabinet for Henry’s tools, and it had a blacksmithing area and a wood stove for heat.
The Swancreek Threshing Assn. ended like many of the threshing crews of its time with the gas tractor and combine. Like Leroy Blaker, who started with his sawmill and threshing, [many] wanted to continue the tradition of threshing for people with a reunion to come and enjoy the power of steam. Many of the members went to reunions to remember a time past. My grandfather Henry Nachtrab was one of those men who became a life-long member of the National Thresher’s Assn. until his death in 1970. Thus only missing the first reunion.
If you have a comment, question or reminiscence for Past and Present, please send it along to: Steam Traction, 1503 S.W. 42nd St., Topeka, KS 66609-1265; e-mail: