Past and Present

By Steam Engine Staff
Published on September 1, 2007
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Brown Photo #1 (top): A Minneapolis threshing machine sitting in a field in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Dave Brown is seeking information on the machine.
Brown Photo #1 (top): A Minneapolis threshing machine sitting in a field in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Dave Brown is seeking information on the machine.
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Mix Photo #2 (below): Dave’s 30 HP Advance.
Mix Photo #2 (below): Dave’s 30 HP Advance.
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Brown Photo #2 (above): The nameplate for the Minneapolis threshing machine, no. 21232.
Brown Photo #2 (above): The nameplate for the Minneapolis threshing machine, no. 21232.
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Mix Photo #3 (above): The gang that was present for the threshing day.
Mix Photo #3 (above): The gang that was present for the threshing day.
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Mix Photo #1 (left): Dave Kemler’s 21 HP Port Huron threshing oats.
Mix Photo #1 (left): Dave Kemler’s 21 HP Port Huron threshing oats.
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Nick Photos #1 and #2 (far left, top and bottom): A Messinger 35 thresher, built in Pennsylvania.
Nick Photos #1 and #2 (far left, top and bottom): A Messinger 35 thresher, built in Pennsylvania.
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Mix Photos #4 and #5 (right): Dave painted the water tank and fuel bunkers on his 16 HP Advance straw burner himself.
Mix Photos #4 and #5 (right): Dave painted the water tank and fuel bunkers on his 16 HP Advance straw burner himself.
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Clarke Photo #1 (left): Arthur Clarke is looking for information on this engine at Angels Camp (Calif.) Museum.
Clarke Photo #1 (left): Arthur Clarke is looking for information on this engine at Angels Camp (Calif.) Museum.
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Vaughn Photo #3 (below): The Atzinger ladies cleaning the flues on their family’s Reeves engine.
Vaughn Photo #3 (below): The Atzinger ladies cleaning the flues on their family’s Reeves engine.
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Vaughn Photo #2 (right): Mr. Ploeger on his John Deere crawler during the tractor pull at the Pioneer Engineers 58th Reunion in Rushville, Ind., held Aug. 4-6, 2006. Crawlers were the show’s feature.
Vaughn Photo #2 (right): Mr. Ploeger on his John Deere crawler during the tractor pull at the Pioneer Engineers 58th Reunion in Rushville, Ind., held Aug. 4-6, 2006. Crawlers were the show’s feature.
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Vaughn Photo #1: Engine row at the 2006 Pioneer Engineers 58th Reunion.
Vaughn Photo #1: Engine row at the 2006 Pioneer Engineers 58th Reunion.
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Yaeger Photo #6 (left): A catalog cut of Minneapolis specifications for simple and compound engines.
Yaeger Photo #6 (left): A catalog cut of Minneapolis specifications for simple and compound engines.
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Yaeger Photo #1 (right): A catalog cut showing the separators offered by Minneapolis.
Yaeger Photo #1 (right): A catalog cut showing the separators offered by Minneapolis.
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Yaeger Photo #2 (inset): A rear view of a Minneapolis engine.
Yaeger Photo #2 (inset): A rear view of a Minneapolis engine.
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Clockwise from top right; Yaeger Photo #5: A Minneapolis engine with a tandem compound engine.Photo #3: A Minneapolis engine just like Ray Lightfoot’s grandfather’s engine shown in Steam Traction in the Spring 2007 issue.Photo #8: A postcard Gary Yeager bought on eBay showing a Minneapolis engine.Photo #7: The Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co. logo from the catalog cover.Photo #4: A side view of a straw burner Minneapolis engine.
Clockwise from top right; Yaeger Photo #5: A Minneapolis engine with a tandem compound engine.Photo #3: A Minneapolis engine just like Ray Lightfoot’s grandfather’s engine shown in Steam Traction in the Spring 2007 issue.Photo #8: A postcard Gary Yeager bought on eBay showing a Minneapolis engine.Photo #7: The Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co. logo from the catalog cover.Photo #4: A side view of a straw burner Minneapolis engine.
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Hofer Photo #1 (top): A model steam engine built by Melvin Hofer, Freeman, S.D.
Hofer Photo #1 (top): A model steam engine built by Melvin Hofer, Freeman, S.D.
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Harris Photo #1: Ron Harris would like to know if anyone can identify the engine in this photo, which was labeled as showing a Froelich tractor in South Dakota.
Harris Photo #1: Ron Harris would like to know if anyone can identify the engine in this photo, which was labeled as showing a Froelich tractor in South Dakota.
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Hofer Photo #2 (above): An Ajax model steam engine built by Melvin.
Hofer Photo #2 (above): An Ajax model steam engine built by Melvin.
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Corson Photo #1 (right): Harold Stark, instructor, giving points during the Pawnee Steam School held in Portland, Ind., on March 24-25, 2007.
Corson Photo #1 (right): Harold Stark, instructor, giving points during the Pawnee Steam School held in Portland, Ind., on March 24-25, 2007.
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Corson Photo #2 (far right): Joe “Mr. Case” Graziana explains the inner workings of an engine governor to students during a steam school class.
Corson Photo #2 (far right): Joe “Mr. Case” Graziana explains the inner workings of an engine governor to students during a steam school class.


Dave Brown, 50 Saddlemead Way N.E., Calgary, ALB Canada T3J 4J5; (403) 273-9081 (e-mail:, is seeking information on a threshing machine. Dave writes:

I am with the Saddle Ridge Community Assn. located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The photos are of a piece of equipment that sits in a field in our community. My research tells me the Minneapolis Threshing Machine Co. went out of business in 1929. I was wondering if any of your readers might be able to enlighten us as to what exactly the equipment would have been used for, and I am assuming the number on the plate represents a model number.


Larry G. Mix, 2075 Coburn Road, Hastings, MI 49058 (e-mail:, continues to keep us abreast on Dave Kemler’s Threshing Day held on his farm near Stanton, Mich. Larry writes:

Here are some photos I took at Dave Kemler’s Threshing Day in November 2006.

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