R.R. 6, Greensburg, Indiana 47240
The Pioneer Engineer’s Club of Indiana, Inc. held their
Silver Anniversary Reunion on August 3, 4, 5 at their show grounds
1 mile east of Rushville, Indiana. The show was held under 3 days
of beautiful sunshine. The club recorded one of the largest crowds
in its 25 years.
Twenty-five large steam engines of 13 different manufacturers
were shown, along with nearly 50 tractors and oil pulls. There were
large numbers of gasoline engines, model steam engines, antiques,
and flea markets. We were extremely proud of the different makes of
engines. They were: Baker, Case, Port Huron, M. Rumely, Advance,
Advance Rumely, Gaar Scott, Peerless, Aultman Taylor, Huber,
Keck-Gonnerman, Russell, and Kelly-Springfield.
New to the show was a beautifully restored 16 h.p. Aultman
Taylor owned by Calvin Whittaker of Pendleton. He just restored it
this summer and showed it for the first time at Rushville. It is
one of 3 in Indiana. Another new engine was a 19 h.p. Keck owned by
Bob Hughes of Bloomington. This engine set in a shed for a number
of years and looks and runs like new. Charles Williams and Lester
Oeder of near Morrow, Ohio took pride in their newly restored 23-90
Baker. Jerry Moorman of Greensburg showed a 50 h.p. Case that had
been used in Kentucky for steaming tobacco beds. It stood idle for
a good many years before its restoration last summer.
The largest engine was an 80 h.p. Case owned by Lawrence Walker
of Morgantown, Indiana. The feature engine was an M. Rumely double
cylinder engine owned by the Harold Beckom family of Kokomo. This
was chosen because it was an Indiana manufactured engine and only 1
of 4 left of its kind. Each day this engine threshed wheat with a
Baker separator owned by Lawrence Porter of Rushville. Each year
Lawrence supplies the grain for the show. We are grateful to
Lawrence and his neighbor, Marion Liggett, for providing the
Melvin Lugten of Hamilton, Michigan brought his veneer mill.
Sawing demonstrations were held by Anthony Moorman and Chester
Hiler. Baker fan testing was held continuously through the
Saturday, a square dance was held with music provided by Moel
Ertel and his band from Batesville. Noel also showed his 18 h.p.
Gaar Scott double. Saturday was highlighted by a gigantic fireworks
show at 11:30 P.M. Chester Hiler and Roscoe Shiverdecker put
Hiler’s 21-75 Baker on the fan, and fired it full of sawdust.
This produced an appropriate silver anniversary spectable.
Each night saw little green goblins busy putting tree limbs down
Vern Leininger’s Port Huron smokestack, sandwich buns up
whistles on other engines, and toilet paper draped over
Sunday morning worship services were held by the Rev. Steling
Cauble of Sunman. The largest crowd to date jammed the clubhouse to
hear Rev. Cauble. President Ray Jones read a letter from a steam
club in England, congratulating the club on its 25th year. It is
noteworthy to know that Ray Jones has been president for 16 years.
Under his leadership the show progressed into one of the largest
shows in the midwest.
Visitors registered from numerous states from across the United
States and Canada. The visitor from the longest distance was Miss
Alice Galliker from Stanstaad, Switzerland.
A meeting to elect officers will be held in the fall. Also the
club has begun to plan for our 26th show to be held next August.
Meetings will be held soon to make improvements in our show for
next year.
We hope everyone enjoyed themselves this year and will make
plans to return next summer.