Pioneer Engineers Club, R. R. 6, Greensburg, Indiana 47240
The Pioneer Engineer’s Club of Indiana held their 27th
annual show at the Rush County Conservation grounds east of
Rushville, Indiana on August 1, 2, 3, 1975.
The show opened on Friday under sunny skies. All engines were
inspected and ready to go at the start of the show. This year the
Baker owned by Jerry Moorman of Greensburg, Indiana. This engine
was recently restored and threshed on Friday for the first time
since the late 1920’s. Other Baker engines shown were Chester
Hiler’s 21-75 uniflow, Charles Williams and Lester Oeder’s
23-90, Everett Huber’s 18 h.p. Baker, and a 19 h.p. counter
flow Baker owned by Mrs. Helen Tomlinson. There is some dispute as
to whether this 1926 model Baker is actually a 19 or an 18 h.p. It
is a fine little engine with a high pressure boiler. Many gentlemen
say they have never seen another one like it.
Other engines were: 3- Case, 2-Keck Gonnermans, 3- Advance
Rumelys, 2- Hubers, 2- Russells, a Port Huron, an M. Rumely double,
and an Aultman Taylor. This year Calvin Whitaker brought his large
25 h.p. Advance Rumely. This is a fine engine and the only one of
this size in our area. Another outstanding new addition was a 1/2
scale model of a 25 h.p. Reeves engine. This was a real eye catcher
and built in perfect detail by Bob Tingle of Shelbyville, Indiana.
There were numerous models of different makes also there. A record
number of antique tractors was also exhibitied.
Fan testing, sawmilling, threshing, and a parade was held on
Friday and Saturday. Saturday evening the rains came and ended the
dry spell in our area. The rain stayed through Sunday, turning the
grounds into one large mud puddle. Engines could not move and
activities had to be curtailed.
In the afternoon some sawing was done by Jerry Moorman’s 50
h.p. Case. The club members thank everyone who came in spite of the
rain. We certainly hope that next year we can have good
On October 25, the club held a business meeting at Rushville.
President Ray Jones thanked all the members for their time and
effort in staging this year’s show. Officers for 1976 were
elected. They are: President – Ray Jones, Vice-President – Lawrence
Porter, Treasurer – Tony Moorman, Secretary – Jerry Moorman.
Directors elected are: Chester Hiler, Henry Thoman, and Marion
Liggett. The next meeting will be a social meeting on Saturday
January 31, 1976 at Rushville.