Pioneer Engineers Club Hold 27th Annual Reunion

By Jerry Moorman
Published on January 1, 1976
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This is a 19 HP Baker counter flow owned by Mrs. Helen Tomlinson of Albany, Indiana
This is a 19 HP Baker counter flow owned by Mrs. Helen Tomlinson of Albany, Indiana
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This is an 18 HP Huber engine owned by Roy Tempest of North Vernon, Indiana
This is an 18 HP Huber engine owned by Roy Tempest of North Vernon, Indiana
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This is a 16 HP Russell owned by Bill Meister of Indianapolis. Courtesy of Jerry Moorman, Pioneer Engineers Club, R.R. 6, Greensburg, Indiana 47240
This is a 16 HP Russell owned by Bill Meister of Indianapolis. Courtesy of Jerry Moorman, Pioneer Engineers Club, R.R. 6, Greensburg, Indiana 47240

Pioneer Engineers Club, R. R. 6, Greensburg, Indiana 47240

The Pioneer Engineer’s Club of Indiana held their 27th
annual show at the Rush County Conservation grounds east of
Rushville, Indiana on August 1, 2, 3, 1975.

The show opened on Friday under sunny skies. All engines were
inspected and ready to go at the start of the show. This year the

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