Secretary, R.R. 6, Box 159, Indiana 47240
The Pioneer Engineer’s Club of Indiana, Inc. staged their
26th Show and Reunion on August 2, 3, 4, 1974 at Rushville,
Indiana. There were 23 traction engines of all different makes and
a large number of tractors and oilpulls.
This year the club featured the Aultman Taylor engine. We are
One is a 16 HP and the other a 20 HP. They are owned by Calvin
Whitaker and Al New of Pendleton, Indiana. Other new engines were a
20 HP Advance Rumely owned by the Larry Spalding family and an 18
HP Baker owned by Tony Moorman. Restoration on both of these
engines was completed just before the opening of the show.
Friday and Saturday, it rained and dampened the activities.
Large crowds still came to see threshing, sawmilling, fan testing,
and other displays. Visitors from the furthest distance were from
Great Britain and Turkey.
Saturday evening the rain stopped and our first old time
fiddler’s contest was able to be held outdoors. Fiddlers came
from Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, and Indiana. One
contestant named ‘Fiddlin Dick’ came from Kentucky. He put
on quite a show, wearing a coon skin cap and a pet raccoon sitting
on his shoulder while he put on a real foot stomping program. WRCR
radio station carried the program live. Following the contest the
traditional Saturday night fireworks was put on by Chet Hiler and
Roscoe Shiverdecker with a 21-75 Baker.
Sunday was a cool day but dry. Church services were conducted by
the Rev. Sterling Cauble of Sunman, Indiana. The show closed Sunday
evening with a gigantic parade of all equipment. Meals were
provided by the Kentucky Fried Chicken from Rushville, and numerous
other local groups. Everyone had a great time and are looking
forward to next year’s show.
Officers for 1975 were elected at our annual business meeting
held October 26 at Rushville. A large crowd attended to elect their
officers. It was decided to retain President Ray Jones,
Vice-President Lawrence Porter, Treasurer Tony Moorman, and
Secretary Jerry Moorman. Two directors were re-elected to a 3 year
term. They are Russell Coon and Roy Mercer. Charles Geisler of
Madison was elected as the third director.
The Pioneer Engineers will hold a social and pitch-in meeting
Saturday, January 25 at the Rush County Conservation Clubhouse.