Pioneer Engineer’s Hold 26th Reunion & Election of Officers

By Jerry Moorman
Published on January 1, 1975
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20 HP Aultman Taylor owned by Al New of Pendleton, Indiana. First time this engine was to our show. Courtesy of Jerry Moorman, R.R. 6, Box 159, Greensburg, Indiana 47240
20 HP Aultman Taylor owned by Al New of Pendleton, Indiana. First time this engine was to our show. Courtesy of Jerry Moorman, R.R. 6, Box 159, Greensburg, Indiana 47240
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23-90 Baker owned by Chas Williams of Loveland, Ohio and Lester Oeder and Son of Morrow, Ohio. Engine is getting ready to belt up to the Baker Fan. Courtesy of Jerry Moorman, R. R. 6, Box 159, Greensburg, Indiana 47240
23-90 Baker owned by Chas Williams of Loveland, Ohio and Lester Oeder and Son of Morrow, Ohio. Engine is getting ready to belt up to the Baker Fan. Courtesy of Jerry Moorman, R. R. 6, Box 159, Greensburg, Indiana 47240

Secretary, R.R. 6, Box 159, Indiana 47240

The Pioneer Engineer’s Club of Indiana, Inc. staged their
26th Show and Reunion on August 2, 3, 4, 1974 at Rushville,
Indiana. There were 23 traction engines of all different makes and
a large number of tractors and oilpulls.

This year the club featured the Aultman Taylor engine. We are

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