3520 W. 12th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46222
The Pioneers club of Indiana Inc. held their annual three day
show August 5-6-7 1966 on the grounds of the Rush County
conservation Club.
To say it was a good show would be saying it mildly. It was much
better than we had for many years. Our equipment was in better
a bright paint job. Separators, gas engines, gas tractors were all
in good condition in all respects.
Our weather was perfect, no rain to spoil the show. Our
attendance was very good. We had visitors from far away states, and
also quite a few from foreign countries.
The smallest traction engine shown this year was a six
horsepower Russell, and the largest was a 22 H. P. Peerless double
cylinder, so there was quite a contrast.
Quite a few separators were on the grounds all ready to go.
All Equipment on the grounds are kept in action most of the
time. This is what the visitors enjoy.
The saw mill is a good source of attraction as also is the
Rotary Veneer mill. Too fans keeps the engines going, as there is
always someone pulling the fans.
The daily parade is also a great attraction as is noted by the
many visitors that line the parade route each day. The little model
traction engines have a show with their small fans, saw mills and
Many other attractions can be seen on the grounds also. Two
stands furnish food of the best food quality. Before 1966, the club
made a large addition to the camper and trailer Parking lot. This
helped out quite a good deal in the over crowded conditions that
existed there. Much more could be said about the 1966 show. This
write up will give you readers a good outlook for the 1967 show to
be held on August 4-5-6 1967.
Bring your cameras and take good pictures of the show. See you
there. Ray Jones R.R. 2 Sunman, Ind. President
Laurence Porter R.R. 6, Rushville, Indiana. Vice-President
Anthony Moorman R.R. 6, Greens-burg, Ind. Treasurer Eldon Myers
R.R. 17 Box Indianapolis, Ind. Secretary.