The third meeting of the Pioneer Gas Engine Association, Inc.,
was held on Sunday, February 2, 1964, at the Mendon Pioneer Museum
in Honeoye Falls, New York. It was decided at this meeting that we
will have a three day Gas Engine Show this summer. The dates for
the show shall be July 31, and August 1 and 2. The show will be
held at the Mendon Pioneer Museum in Honeoye Falls, New York. We
which we feel will bring back many thoughts of yesteryear to some
of our visitors, and will show the younger people how our
Grandparents used to work in days gone by. The young people may
even see things they never have seen and did not know ever existed.
There will be a nominal admission fee. (to be decided by the
members of the Association at a later date)
Anyone interested in joining the Association may do so by
contacting Mrs. Martha Abbert, at 1961 West Side Drive, in
Rochester, New York, or Mr. Donald A. Luteyn, Sr., at 424 East Main
Street, in Palmyra, New York.
Our meetings are held the first Sunday of every month, except
January, (no meeting in January because of the Holiday Season).
Anyone who feels he may be interested in becoming a member of the
Association is welcome to come and sit in on our meeting and ask
questions if he has any. Our next meeting will be March 1, 1964, at
the Mendon Pioneer Museum in Honeoye Falls, New York.
Our May 3rd meeting has been changed to May 10th and we are
going to have a small Gas Engine show at the same time. Anyone
interested in displaying an Engine at this time (if not already a
member of the Association) please contact Mr. Donald A. Luteyn, Sr.
at 424 East Main Street, in Palmyra, New York. Phone LY 7-5242.
We wish to thank the wives of some of our members who brought in
and served the refreshments following our last meeting.