The annual meeting of the Pioneer Gas Engine Association was
held Sunday, October 27 at the Mendon Museum at Honeoye Falls, New
York. It was decided to incorporate the organization and plans for
a reunion early in August at the Mendon Pioneer Museum in Honeoye
Falls were discussed. Several engines were in operation Sunday and
a fine meal was served by the wives of the members. Charter
Following is a list of the officers elected for 1964
President-Donald A. Luteyn, Sr. Palmyra, New York.
Vice President Abram Johnson, Marion, New York.
Secretary Mrs Martha E. Abbert, 1961 West Side Dr., Rochester,
Treasurer Harry L. Schoff, Honeoye Falls, New York.
This association was started in the fall of 1961 by Mr. Schoff
who held reunions until interest became so great it seemed best to
organize incorporate the club with officers and directors.
Meetings are usually held the first Sunday afternoon of each
month at the Museum. Next meeting will be on Dec. 1st, when the
names of the directors and committees will be announced by the
president. Please address all correspondence to the secretary.