Report of ‘Pioneer Gas Engine Reunion’ held here at
Wolfsbergers Park and Museum grounds. It was a success despite
being rained out on Saturday. Claude Abbert did the announcing, Jim
Kane fired the Leffel stationary boiler for the models, Clarence
Stillson was in charge of the model exhibit, Jim Kuhn exhibited his
1913 Stanley Steamer, Walt Rumsey operated his shingle mill. The
and other members, Wally Habecker brought his separator and with
the help of Norm Steffen, Harold Ball, Walt Pfaff and other members
wheat was threshed. Members operated Rumely Oil Pulls, Hart Parrs,
a 22-44 Minneapolis, 25 hp Huber steamer, the Monarch Steam roller
and a good collection of one cylinder gas engines. Mrs Ethel
Steffens, Mrs. Dorothy Schoff and Mrs. Bruce Hanggi took charge of
admissions. Bob Webster’s ‘Mountain Ramblers’ furnished
good old time music every evening. Every one seemed to have fun and
we are planning on a better show this year.