818 Tenth Street, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada
The above title was decided upon, to be the name for our
association of old time engineers and threshermen which was
organized January 28, 1955. The ‘Pioneer’ of course being
chosen with respect to those men who opened up this country in
those early years. This Club is probably the first one of it’s
This being Saskatchewan’s Jubilee year, it is certainly
appropriate that an organization of this kind be formed to
perpetuate the memories of those earlier years when the use of old
time steamers and earlier gas tractors was at its highest mark.
There is being planned by many localities, towns and cities this
coming summer of 1955, Jubilee celebrations where the old time
steamers and gas tractors will be on display and also an active
demonstration of threshing and plowing. These steamers and old time
gas tractors will be supplied by the Western Development Museum
which have large displays at Saskatoon, York ton, North Battle
This organization is by no means just a local Club, but is a
Provincial wide association of the old time steam engineers and gas
tractor men, and we think it may even develop into an
Inter-Provincial organization, as there has been many enquiries
from Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia coming in, all greatly
interested. It is the sincere hope of this Club that there will be
a real old home week among the old time threshermen during Jubilee
week, July 3 to 9.
The Pioneer Threshermen’s Club has provision for two types
of membership, active and associate. Active for those who are old
time operators and are qualified to operate steam and gas tractors.
Associate for those who do not wish to operate, but who may wish to
qualify at a later date. This organization proposes to form a pool
of trained men who were, or who could become qualified to operate
these old time steam engines, and earlier gas tractors. From this
pool the Western Development Museum can draw men who are competent
and qualified to handle, and efficiently care for these old time
steamers and gas tractors. Also teachers and instructors for the
classes for these younger men who wish to carry on that