Courtesy of Mr. Gusty Shampel.1326 Baird Ave., Cambridge, Ohio. Here is a picture of a home made engine. The boiler is 4 x 10', engine bore 1 x 2 and reverse.
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Courtesy of Mr. Amos Post, Lewistown, Illinois 61542. Here is a 19 H.P. Port Huron, #8217, owned by R. M. Myers of Hull, Illinois on the brake at Center, Missouri at the Mark Twain Show in July, 1965.
Amos Post
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Courtesy of Mr. Gusty Shampel.1326 Baird Ave., Cambridge, Ohio. Here is a picture of a home made electric diesel train. It is 22 inches long and weighs 40 pounds
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Courtesy of Mr. Harry H. Roberts, Hazelton, Kansas. You don't see scenes like this very much any more. - I know the horses are working, but there is something very peaceful looking about this photo. - One of my favorite - Anna Mae.
Harry H. Roberts
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Courtesy of Mr. Earl Hamilton, R.F.D. # 1, Lisbon, Ohio. Here is a picture of my Case 6 or 18 HP Portable Engine, No. 16406 which I show at the Tri-State Historical Steam Engine Association exhibition at Burgettstown, Pennsylvania. I also exhibi
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Courtesy of Mr. Lloyd G. Howard, P. O. Box 61, Macedcm, New York This picture was taken at the steam up at Orbaker's Yard, Fairville, New York on May 23, 1965.
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Courtesy of Mr. Earl Hamilton, R.F.D. # 1, Lisbon, Ohio. Here is a picture of my Porter saddle-tank locomotive, 0-4-0-T, which I hope to have running on my own rails this coming summer. This old locomotive's number is 6804 and was built about 1925. This l
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Courtesy of Mr. Harry H. Roberts, Hazelton, Kansas. This is a picture of my wife's flower garden and bird houses known as Wrenville. There is a church on the left, then Jennis's general store, Jimmie's blacksmith shop and then the depot
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Courtesy of Alf Elden, R. R. 2, Box 171, Oslo, Minnesota. A sugar beet loading machine which is a big feature at the Red River Steam Threshing Bee. It picks the beets up off the ground.
Alf Elden
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Courtesy of Mr. Harry H. Roberts, Hazelton, Kansas. This picture of Wrenville was taken after the blizzard when the snow plow failed to get to town even if pushed by the biggest steamer on the line.
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