Courtesy of Charles R. Hope, Jr., 1706 N. Troy St., Apt. 818,
Arlington, Virginia 22201. Charter members of the Eastern Shore
Threshermen and Collectors Assn., Federalsburg, Md. Back row, left
to right: Wilbur Engle, Clifford Baker, Ross Rhodes, Pete Lovelace,
Norris Chambers, Lloyd Pahlman, Melvin Engle, Paul Singer and Ted
Thomas. Front row, left to right Ben Trice, Paul Secrist, J. Herman
Richard Engle, Walter Messick, Lee Whitmore, A. B. Rosser, Lloyd
Tarman, and Lee Engle.
We give herewith a good illustration of a ‘skeleton
-view’ of the Minnesota Chief threshing machine, made by the
Minnesota Thresher Company, Stillwater, Minn. The setting of the
cylinder, and the whole arrangement of the working parts, make this
one of the easiest managed and most effective threshers now in use.
There is no waste of grain either from failure to thresh out, or
imperfect separation, and it will even do good work in hulling
clover seed, without a regular hulling attachment, which can be
obtained if desired. There are very few belts needed, and
altogether the machine is very simple, and durable.