Which annually is used to carry the ‘Queen of the Threshing
Bee’, at the North Central Illinois Steam Power Show, Kings,
Illinois. Mrs. Donald Wolf, commonly know as ‘Honey Wolf’
of Aurora, Illinois was selected as ‘Queen’ of the 1968
show. She rode through the parade on the two-seated surrey on
Sunday, August 11 and Sunday August 18, holding on her lap a
small bundle of oats. The two-seated surrey was decorated with
harvest colors and was pulled by a small team of bay horses. The
team driver and owner was Mr. Edd Hoelzer of Rochelle, Illinois.
Mrs. Wolf is a great collector of ancient household items and is an
enthusiastic worker annually at the show.
Note the double riveted lap joint seam of the boiler. Built in
Iowa, the Wood Bros., Engines held a special memory for those
present at the Mt. Pleasant Association Show. Miss Helen Wood,
whose father was the engine builder, was present to conduct a
Memorial Service for him. The engine is owned by Dallas E. Kerr, of
Montrose, Iowa.
The vehicle is based on an Austin Taxi Chassis. All transmission
parts are standard automotive. Power Unit is a Merryweather type B
Boiler, Teak and Brass bound, driving a converted Merryweather Pump
Engine. Cylinder 5′ dia by 4′ stroke double-acting
non-reversing Belt driven to the clutch shaft giving a speed of
about 18 m.p.h. with hard bituminous coal the Merryweather Boiler
will evaporate up to 350 lbs per hour. The Roller at the rear is an
Aveling and porter 10 ton double cylinder compound engine.
Two pictures sent to us by Oscar who says: ‘I am a
subscriber and reader of the IMA and also a visitor at Mt.
Pleasant, Iowa every year, although I live in Chicago. I was raised
in Gladstone, Illinois. These photos are of the rig that I operated
fro seven threshing seasons, beside clover hulling, silo filling,
corn shredding and corn shelling, so you see the engine done a lot
of belt work beside a lot of road traveling. It is a J. I. Case
1910 model, 20 Hp. engine and HO ‘Case Separator. I don’t
remember the engine serial number. Owner of the rig was U. Grant
White of Gladstone, Illinois. We usually had about a months run of
shock threshing and about three weeks stack threshing.