By Staff
Published on January 1, 1976
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This snapshot is a MacDonald steam engine, 18 HP, No. 117 made in 1914 in Stratford, Ontario and owned by J. E. Ferguson of Owen Sound, Ontario and exhibited at Blyth, 1973.
This snapshot is a MacDonald steam engine, 18 HP, No. 117 made in 1914 in Stratford, Ontario and owned by J. E. Ferguson of Owen Sound, Ontario and exhibited at Blyth, 1973.
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My own 1928 Cat 60 and 12-20 Rumely. My 60 is in mint condition. It has new oversized pistons, all new motor bearings, new steering clutches and all new undercarriage. Courtesy of Jack W. Beamish, 1424 Lome Avenue East, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada R7A 1X2
My own 1928 Cat 60 and 12-20 Rumely. My 60 is in mint condition. It has new oversized pistons, all new motor bearings, new steering clutches and all new undercarriage. Courtesy of Jack W. Beamish, 1424 Lome Avenue East, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada R7A 1X2
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Robert L. Roberts, Jr. of Easton - engineer on James Framton's model engine, furnishing steam power for a wood-sawing operation. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Frampton, Easton, Maryland 21601.
Robert L. Roberts, Jr. of Easton - engineer on James Framton's model engine, furnishing steam power for a wood-sawing operation. Courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. James C. Frampton, Easton, Maryland 21601.
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This photo is a new Favourite Thresher 24-36 made by Ernst Bros. Ltd., Mount Forest, Ontario. This machine is equipped with its own feeder and an eighteen foot grain elevator. A lot of these machines were equipped with Garden City feeders. Also at Blyth,
This photo is a new Favourite Thresher 24-36 made by Ernst Bros. Ltd., Mount Forest, Ontario. This machine is equipped with its own feeder and an eighteen foot grain elevator. A lot of these machines were equipped with Garden City feeders. Also at Blyth,
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This picture is a 36-48 Waterloo Thresher equipped with an Ebersol self feeder and grain thrower. It also has a chaff blower. The thresher was made by the Waterloo Mfg. Co. Ltd. of Waterloo, Ontario. The feeder Courtesy of Jack Thompson, 102 Britanni
This picture is a 36-48 Waterloo Thresher equipped with an Ebersol self feeder and grain thrower. It also has a chaff blower. The thresher was made by the Waterloo Mfg. Co. Ltd. of Waterloo, Ontario. The feeder Courtesy of Jack Thompson, 102 Britanni
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Pictured is a 3 HP Lattner boiler, 1951; Troy steam engines 3-1/4'' x 4'', Troy, PA -1918; Warren Duplex pump 3'' x 2'' x 3'' from steamboat; Stanley D. G. generator, Pittsfield, MA - 1895. Courtesy of William F. Edwards, State Road, Richmond, Massachuset
Pictured is a 3 HP Lattner boiler, 1951; Troy steam engines 3-1/4'' x 4'', Troy, PA -1918; Warren Duplex pump 3'' x 2'' x 3'' from steamboat; Stanley D. G. generator, Pittsfield, MA - 1895. Courtesy of William F. Edwards, State Road, Richmond, Massachuset
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James Frampton, with passengers Mary Frampton, Ricky Dudrow and Ron McCarty, on his homemade traction engine. They are enjoying a ride on a crisp day in Easton, Maryland.
James Frampton, with passengers Mary Frampton, Ricky Dudrow and Ron McCarty, on his homemade traction engine. They are enjoying a ride on a crisp day in Easton, Maryland.
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Courtesy of John Harris, R.R. 6, Box 145, Frankfort, Indiana 46041
Courtesy of John Harris, R.R. 6, Box 145, Frankfort, Indiana 46041
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J. Fred Lawton, of R.D. #2, Millville, Pa., is shown with friends in his Peerless, at the 1975 Rough and Tumble Engineers Reunion. [Stemgas photo]
J. Fred Lawton, of R.D. #2, Millville, Pa., is shown with friends in his Peerless, at the 1975 Rough and Tumble Engineers Reunion. [Stemgas photo]
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A 1909 threshing crew. Gaar-Scott Separator and 22 HP American Abell engine, new in Spring of 1909. My Dad was the owner of the machine. George Love of Rosendale, Manitoba was the photographer. The scene was taken on Dave Martin's farm between Bogat and
A 1909 threshing crew. Gaar-Scott Separator and 22 HP American Abell engine, new in Spring of 1909. My Dad was the owner of the machine. George Love of Rosendale, Manitoba was the photographer. The scene was taken on Dave Martin's farm between Bogat and

In relation to the Iron-Men Album, I believe quite a few readers
are presently, or are retired, railroad men. I am one of them. I
believe I have a locomotive picture that would be of interest to
all readers, whether railroaders or not. On April 29, 1900 John
Luther Jones, better known as ‘Casey Jones’ took engine 382
of the Illinois Central out on a passenger train. He hit a freight

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