Emery is 67 years old and has threshed since 1907 using Horse
Power until 1910. Geo. Bryant owned the outfit and he is 90 this
Fall, 1959. I worked for him several seasons. Later I had my own
outfit. George Bryant has taken the prize at Buesche’s
Threshing Bee the past four years for being the oldest thresherman
in attendance.
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A Century Model Baker 20-80. Built in 1915 and is in fine condition. Mr. Rineholt says, 'my two daughters fog her up almost every Saturday and take her around the farm. After one blast of the whistle there are plenty of kids to fill the platform and
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10 hp Frick traction built in 1885. Restored by La Roy Cadwell, Connersville, Indiana. Note the link motion on the Frick. This proves its early date. That is a rare engine and a wonderful job of restoration.
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The way the 1885 Frick looked when La Roy Cadwell of Connersville, Indiana, found it.
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The way the 1885 Frick looked when La Roy Cadwell of Connersville, Indiana, found it.
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Here is a picture that is belated. Because it is unusual we thought you would be interested in it. Mr. D. C. Steele, Box B, Cherry Fork, Ohio, trains oxen. Here are three wonderful looking teams.
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My engine, one of the last five built of this make, Serial No. 8641. Someone will guess the make. Now it is not a 60 - 75 - or 90 hp engine, but as the builder rated it - just a common 19 hp engine and a Dandy.
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Sidney's 18 hp Advance-Rumely, No. 15114, taken June 1959. Sidney also sent us a picture threshing oats with his 32 x 54 Avery and they beat out 2272 bushels that day. The photo was too dim to print. Sorry Sidney.
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This is my Huber, when I had it out at the 'Lincoln County Fair Grounds' August 29 and 30, 1959. Yours truly, on iron steps, Huber was under steam, but shows no smoke. Note hose from water faucet, to front tank. We used dry slab wood for fuel.
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This is Harry's father, Samuel C. Reese (deceased), on his 10 hp Russell in 1900.We hope the picture turns out well as it is a very rare engine.
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40 hp Case of L. C. Mengle, Farmersville, Ohio.Its condition is as good as new.
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A Canton Monitor engine owned by Charles Fletcher. A very rare and interesting picture as it was taken in 1884. The folks in the picture from left to right - Jack Ruppert, Jim Ruppert, Sam Fletcher, Ethan Fletcher, Charles S. Fletcher and I. Shauman.
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An engine built by H. F. Blandy, Zanesville, Ohio, and was bought new in 1864. The picture was taken in 1955. Engine has a 12 in stroke and we don't know the bore. It uses top valve.
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At the close of the 1956 threshing season. It is a dandy looking Peerless, not sure of the separator. The men from left to right are Mr. Baughman, Mr. Henry, Reese Ocker, Harry Gettel and the two Henry boys.
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This picture is about 1885 and a Case Outfit. It is the way my grand father did his threshing the year before. His help was all Indians. The Squaws did all the work and the Bucks sat in the shade. He gave each Squaw a bushel of oats for a day's threshing.
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Champion Thresher of 1895 owned by Raymond Laizure, R.D.3, Cadiz, Ohio. That is the good old kind. (It is the type of a machine Elmer used in his teen age and up. And then a Westerner wonders why he is thrilled to pitch bundles in a Wing Feeder. For stead
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THIS TRAIN FOR SALE - In excellent running order. Ed. Trout, Box 38, Nelson, Nebraska.
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An engine built by H. F. Blandy, Zanesville, Ohio, and was bought new in 1864. The picture was taken in 1955. Engine has a 12 in stroke and we don't know the bore. It uses top valve.
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Figure this one out - Raymond sitting on the steps of a Bull Russell and studying a Rusher Port Huron catalog. Does it create wishful thinking or satisfaction with what you have? The old Bull looks good at that end.
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Emery's 15 hp Advance No. 10886 new in 1912 and he has owned the engine since 1928 and the picture was taken in 1954. They were on their way to the County Fair where he had it running 3 days. It was a 25 mile trip and the Fair Association sent the Low Boy
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A 1914 picture taken north of Ypsilanti, Michigan. The men are from left to right - Andrew Drew, Harold Leslie, Leonard James, Walter James, Harvey James, Louis Casey, Alex Poupard and William Leslie. Harvey James is the owner.
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Kelly-Springfield steam roller which Mr. Castley operated between Blossburg and Williamsport in 1922. Two Model T Fords in the background. This is the second steam roller I operated. It was about new then and I was proud of it. The State did this job of
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This engine is owned by Don Waters of Waynesburg, pa,, and is supposed to have been built around 1870. No name on it. I thought some of the old timers could identify it. Cylinders are 2 x 4 Piston rod is the cross head. We used it this Fall to shell some
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Reunion Gems--
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A scene at the Threshermans Fair, August 1959, R. D. 1, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. A 65 year old Peerless thresher powered by a 1926 Model Frick traction on the Harold L. Culbertson Farm. The straw was carried into a modern day baler by a Geiser swinging
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Steam shovel Mr. Castley operated at Spencerport, N. Y. for the Bero Construction Company in 1950. We loaded gravel for a large job in Rochester, N. Y., which was about 10 miles away, says Mr. Castley and adds - the Shovel did her job as well and as cheap
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An 8 x 10 Frick engine built in 1926 and owned by Harold L. Culbertson, R. D. 3, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. It was exhibited at the Threshermans Fair near Chambersburg last August. A good looking and well kept engine.
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The line up at Hudson, Iowa, September 4 to 7, 1959.
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Model Traction engine, water tank and sheller, built by Smith Machine Shop, Woodland, Illinois, and in the show at Pontiac, Illinois, in 1958.
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The one on the left is the first steam engine I ever built. Have been building them for the last six years. Also have a steam automobile I made. Also a 5 x 4 steam engine.
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