Courtesy of C. J. Pounder, 15501 N.E. Little Spokane, Route No.
5, Spokane, Washington 99208 This picture was taken at the.
‘Threshing Bee’ I had on the Little Spokane, five miles
north of Spokane. It was held October 2, 1966. On the picture is a
Case engine and separator. This engine is owned by Mr. Hubert Knapp
of Colville, Washington, the engineer. Mr. Orcutt of Seattle fed
Washington, was the separator tender. Also Everet Kelso of Reardon,
Washington, was there with scale Case engine and thresher operating
with small ponies pulling a small wagon of bundles to his
separator. It looked real cute. Clarence Mitcham from Mead,
Washington, operated his public address system, which really made
the show a success. Mr. Mel Anderson from Okanogan, Washington, had
his hot air engine displayed. It attracted a lot of attention. Mr.
John Ulencott of Spokane had his small engines displayed. Charley
Banta of Opportunity, Washington, had his model Minneapolis
displayed All in all everyone had a good time, including a couple
thousand people.
Another outfit ground wheat and the ladies of the St.
Joseph’s Church sold whole wheat flour. Country Homes Kiwanis
had a stand and sold refreshments. They also had a team giving
children rides. Each horse weighed over 2000 lbs. Rides took in
$65.00 by itself.
Mr. Knapp also operated his old International separator which
shook the grain racks sideways instead of fore and aft. It had a
straw carrier instead of a blower. We ran the wheat through it for
cleaning and it did a fine job and attracted a lot of attention.
Many other antiques were displayed, including a covered wagon.