By Staff
Published on March 1, 1974
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Pictured is my 4'' scale of a 1915 65 HP Case [1/3 size] which is almost ready to go. I have a few things to do yet. I've been working on it just about two years. I have about $2500 involved in this hunk of iron and lots of work and play. I also have five
Pictured is my 4'' scale of a 1915 65 HP Case [1/3 size] which is almost ready to go. I have a few things to do yet. I've been working on it just about two years. I have about $2500 involved in this hunk of iron and lots of work and play. I also have five
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This scene shows the engine all loaded, waiting for steam to go down for chaining down engine for shipment to Easton, Maryland. Don Schwenk on engine, Wilbur Place by car and Senator Robert P. Dean of Maryland, watching. Courtesy of George E. Neal, 230 No
This scene shows the engine all loaded, waiting for steam to go down for chaining down engine for shipment to Easton, Maryland. Don Schwenk on engine, Wilbur Place by car and Senator Robert P. Dean of Maryland, watching. Courtesy of George E. Neal, 230 No
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Picture shows the loading operation at rail siding at La Porte, Indiana by Don Schwenk, the original owner. Yours truly is watching a good engineer load the engine as it was done years ago. Courtesy of George E. Neal, 230 North Aurora Street, Easton, Mary
Picture shows the loading operation at rail siding at La Porte, Indiana by Don Schwenk, the original owner. Yours truly is watching a good engineer load the engine as it was done years ago. Courtesy of George E. Neal, 230 North Aurora Street, Easton, Mary
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This picture brings back memories for many old timers. The big letters advertise Ceresota Flour; the little sign speaks for Eshelman Feeds. At top, hard to read, is ad for hay and straw. Building is Trucker's Mill, Slatington, Pa. Photo from Lehigh Valley
This picture brings back memories for many old timers. The big letters advertise Ceresota Flour; the little sign speaks for Eshelman Feeds. At top, hard to read, is ad for hay and straw. Building is Trucker's Mill, Slatington, Pa. Photo from Lehigh Valley
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Engine loaded [under steam] at La Porte County Historical Steam Society Show Grounds, ready for seven mile road trip to rail siding at La Porte, Indiana April 26, 1973 on Don Schwenk's lowboy - [original owner]. Courtesy of George E. Neal, 230 North Auror
Engine loaded [under steam] at La Porte County Historical Steam Society Show Grounds, ready for seven mile road trip to rail siding at La Porte, Indiana April 26, 1973 on Don Schwenk's lowboy - [original owner]. Courtesy of George E. Neal, 230 North Auror
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Pictured above is my ‘All Purpose Steam Truck’. I am
getting up steam to go for one last ride before putting it away for
the winter. Using a 5 HP boiler and a 4 HP engine, I can get up to
10 M.P.H. I often use it for cutting firewood, grain grinding, and
a little steam cleaning. It is very popular at the Shows and seems
that every young person at the shows wants to ride – of course –

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