Button steam fire engine built in 1889 by the Button Fire Engine
Works, Waterford. N.Y., owned by the Union Fire Company of Belmar,
Ray May’s attractive team of lightweight draft horses from
Schaefferstown, Pa., is hitched to the engine, which has pump
capacity of 250 gallons a minute (fifth size engine). In service
Photo taken at Muhlenberg College, Allentown, Pa., by Jack
Norbeck. author of Encyclopedia of American Steam Traction Engines;
shown in second revised edition.
used in a dramatic way to show the qualities of a mattress, in this
demonstration shown above, which took place about 50 years ago. The
Herr Manufacturing Company of Lancaster, Pennsylvania was proud of
the quality of its Serta Perfect Sleeper mattresses, and wanted to
show the public how resilient the product could be. So a sample
mattress was placed on a Lancaster street, and the roller went over
it. As can be seen, a crowd was attracted. After the demonstration,
a drawing was held and the winner received the mattress.
Shown is a 1911 20 HP Twentieth Century steam engine owned by
Michael Jay Miller, Rockwood, Pennsylvania. Picture taken at 1979
Farmers and Threshermens Jubilee in New Centerville,
Pictured is a J. I. Case engine, 40 x 150 HP. I do not know
where it came from or the serial number. It was made into a show
engine and is located on Highway 23, south of Spring Green,
Wisconsin. It was the largest Case ever built.