By Staff
Published on May 1, 1973
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6 HP Burrell traction engine, thresher and Shaw elevator on the road about 1920 in England. Courtesy of R. F. Somerville, 12498 232 Street, Maple Ridge P. O., Haney, B. C, Canada.
6 HP Burrell traction engine, thresher and Shaw elevator on the road about 1920 in England. Courtesy of R. F. Somerville, 12498 232 Street, Maple Ridge P. O., Haney, B. C, Canada.
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This above scene was taken around 1920, 5 miles East and 1 mile South of Upper Sandusky, Ohio. The trees in the background are much bigger today, but everything else in the picture is gone the way all things go. Left to right: Charley Carr, outfit owner;
This above scene was taken around 1920, 5 miles East and 1 mile South of Upper Sandusky, Ohio. The trees in the background are much bigger today, but everything else in the picture is gone the way all things go. Left to right: Charley Carr, outfit owner;
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Two pictures of a 75 Case engine which belongs to Harry Chandler of Aberdeen, South Dakota. This engine has the steam dome mounted ahead of the cylinder and steam chest. Serial Number 24262. That is the same as the 110 Case engine. Does anyone know the re
Two pictures of a 75 Case engine which belongs to Harry Chandler of Aberdeen, South Dakota. This engine has the steam dome mounted ahead of the cylinder and steam chest. Serial Number 24262. That is the same as the 110 Case engine. Does anyone know the re
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Just 102 years ago, they plowed with steam at Rochester, New York. 1870 with six wooden beam walking plows. It took eight men to operate this outfit. If each man would have taken a team of horses on 8 plows, they could have a lot more and it would have be
Just 102 years ago, they plowed with steam at Rochester, New York. 1870 with six wooden beam walking plows. It took eight men to operate this outfit. If each man would have taken a team of horses on 8 plows, they could have a lot more and it would have be
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My 23-90 Uniflow Baker engine in mint condition, No. 17311. Picture taken at the Darke County Steam Threshers Assn., Greenville, Ohio of which I'm an officer. Courtesy of Ralph Baltes, R. R. 3, Versailles, Ohio 45380.
My 23-90 Uniflow Baker engine in mint condition, No. 17311. Picture taken at the Darke County Steam Threshers Assn., Greenville, Ohio of which I'm an officer. Courtesy of Ralph Baltes, R. R. 3, Versailles, Ohio 45380.
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Here's a picture from way back, a scene in Lorain County, U. S. A. The only known man in photo is my father, Harold Henry Runals, who is driving the team of horses, pulling hand feed thresher. Dad's been gone now some 59 years. Would any of you readers k
Here's a picture from way back, a scene in Lorain County, U. S. A. The only known man in photo is my father, Harold Henry Runals, who is driving the team of horses, pulling hand feed thresher. Dad's been gone now some 59 years. Would any of you readers k
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