Another powerhouse, another time–John A. Davidson, Box 4, 8250
200 Ave., Bristol, Wisconsin 53104 sends this old photograph he
found at a flea market. It’s a view inside an electrical power
generating room, showing a Corliss type engine on right with belt
to large generator, bottle engine on left to small generator.
Alex Fabiszewski of 5827224th Street, Langley, B.C., Canada V3A
7N2 sent us this photo via e-mail. Apparently his brother found the
picture and passed it along to Alex because of his interest in old
engines. Any identification out there from our readers?
This picture was sent to by John Davidson of Box 4, 8250 200
Ave., Bristol, WI 53104. John says he thinks the equipment was made
by the Austin Co. of Chicago, Illinois, as the picture was found in
a bound packet of photos, most of which were identified as Austin.
He says they used Farquhar engines on other equipment.