Courtesy of Marvin Troutwine, 2I20 IIth St. So., Missoula,
Montana 5980I A Russell engine on my father’s ranch. He used it
daily as a steam heating boiler in winter. The engine parts are
carefully stored in case we wish to restore it. It came up the
Missouri River about I870 on a steam boat. He bought it in I927. We
also have several other engines and boilers including a Case
vertical boiler and two small vertical engines, a 2 cyl. swing
engine and 2 larger horizontal engines, two 5 hp. turbines and a
Case boiler.
Courtesy of Fred T. Scharrer, Box I446, Zephyrhills, Florida
33599 Fred writes us the following paragraph and sends along three
picture postcards from away back-thought you might enjoy them and
figure them out for yourselves.-Anna Mae. ‘It so being, I am
one of the old trouble shooters on steam traction and Oil-Pulls for
Rumely Company of Laporte, Indiana and this took in a lot of
territory-Midwest and the central states and Northwest Canada. It
might be interesting to some today, that when I landed in
Northwestern Canada on February I9I3the next day it was 65 below
and many cars of Oil-Pulls to get off wasn’t that something??
Also, threshing flax when it was 45 below-people today don’t
know or realize what some of the old timers had to battle.’
Courtesy of Roy Hartman, 32 Maryland Ave., Washington D.C 20028
A 40-I20 ‘Peerless’ Geiser Traction engine at Berryville,
Va. Show. This is a stereoscope picture and is a new feature of
this magazine and will have a different picture each issue. If you
will cut it out on the heavy lines and paste on light cardboard
with rubber cement you will have a three dimensional picture you
can view in the old fashioned stereoscope viewer glasses. If you
like it let Roy know.