Mr. Ed Vogel of Buhl, Idaho sends us the Centennial edition of
the ‘Times News’ giving many pictures of early Idaho. We
thought you would be interested in some of the pictures so we are
giving a few in this issue and may give more in future issues.
These pictures are taken from the Newspaper and will not be very
plain but it is the best we can do Elmer.
TWIN FALLS was barely underway when this photograph of Main
Street in the fall of 1904 was taken by the late John E. Hayes,
surveyor during the period the town was being laid out. The view is
looking west.
None of the frame structures seen in the picture are still
standing and such landmarks as the Perrine hotel had not
yet started to rise from the dust and mud of the young
The men in the center of the picture, near the flagpole, are
standing at the approximate spot that is now the intersection of
Main and Shoshone.
Here is a picture of my 1925 Model T Ford Roadster which I have
reconditioned. I had to use two bodies of a Model T’s plus the
leather upholstery for the inside. I have new 4:40 x 21 tires on it
and I used parts from here and there. The motor is in perfect
running order. Everything is almost like the original and it runs
perfectly. I have used it in parades and other doings the past
year. It took me 2 months to recondition it in my spare time. I am
behind the wheel in this picture.
This picture of a threshing scene shows an IHC – WD 40 Tractor
and a 36′ Keck Thresher was taken about 1948 or 1949. That was
about as fine a threshing outfit as I ever ran. I believe if I
would have bought a dozen outfits back in those days they would all
have been Kecks. They are easy to keep up, east pulling and clean
to work around. They also had a good steam engine. A lot of the old
timers’ would probably take issue with me on this point, but I
do agree there were a lot of other good makes, but the Keck
Thresher was my favorite. I have a late model 32′ Red River to
go with the Baker Engine. It looks like a new one.
Mr. Routh, Paul Alsip and Wilbur Jolley have two Minneapolis
Engines and are trying to make one out of the two. Talk about a
chunk of iron those Minnies are.