Me and my Waterloo Ont. Steam Traction Engine about 1914, at the Milton Fair 1966. Courtesy of C. Thompson, 19 Sparta Rd., Toronto 15, Ontario, Canada
C. Thompson
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In 1908, Gilbert Rennie and his middle son, A. N. Rennie, moved to Western Kansas. He threshed in this vicinity for many years. This scene, was taken on the Rennie Gray County Farm about 1911 while threshing winter grains. A. N. Rennie. is operating the e
Helen Ward Rennie
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KITTEN HIS FAVORITE ENGINE Elmer doffs his hat to the Kitten Engine ''What a beauty,'' he. says depending on what he's looking at. Courtesy of Joe Fahnestock. Union City, Indiana
Joe Fahnestock
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Many acts of chivalry have been shattered by that blasted pop-off valve at the precise moment. So the ''timely'' advise by the engineer must now be recorded as ''famous last words.'' Passing a steam engine with horse and buggy presented a real problem in
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Pictured is myself with my three engines. The boiler is oil fired. On the stand, a Stanley auto engine. The small engine has a built-in wheel governor. We have a great deal of fun with the hobby. Courtesy of Francis Behre, 515 Shunpike Road, Chatham, New
Francis Behre
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Pictured is a beautiful little Undermounted Avery at Davenport Reunion in 1954.Courtesy of Gerald Hoffman, 313 E. St., Princeton, Illinois 61356
Gerald Hoffman
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A general view at the Davenport reunion in 1954. A nice Case steamed up. Courtesy of Gerald Hoffman, 313 E. Peru St., Princeton Illinois 61356
Gerald Hoffman
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Miniature steam traction engine taken at the 1954 Davenport Reunion. Courtesy of Gerald Hoffman, 313 E. Peru St., Princeton, Illinois 61356
Gerald Hoffman
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I've seen pictures of covered bridges in other issues of your good magazine and I think the readers of the Iron-Man would like to see a picture of this one. It is one hundred and four years old this year of 1967. When built it cost $3000. It is 3 miles no
Gerald Hoffman
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A 13 Hp. Double Cylinder Simple Reeves before it was restored. This is our engine. Courtesy of Frank Stark, Billings, Missouri 65610
Frank Stark
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A Wood Bros. 22 Hp. engine and it has a big top. Taken at the 1954 Davenport Reunion which was the only reunion ever held there. Courtesy of Gerald Hoffman, 313 E. Peru St., Princeton, Illinois 61356
Gerald Hoffman
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Our 13 Hp. Reeves after restoring it. Courtesy of Frank Stark, Billings, Missouri 65610
Do you have a special place in your heart for the good old days of life on the American farm? Do your ears perk up at the sound of an old Johnny Popper John Deere? Do your eyes widen at the sight of a vintage Stover stationary? Then Farm Collector is for you!