From the ‘Big Sky Country’ our good friend, Austin Monk
of Marion, Montana and his really wonderful steamer. Parts for the
restoration of this beauty were literally dug out of a river in
northern Canada and trucked hundreds of miles. The bulk of it was
skidded up and over a mountain range with one bulldozer pulling and
another pushing. The roar of these tractors edging their way up the
up and down the canyons of the Idaho wilderness. It took a stout
heart and lots of determination, but Austin does have a reward.
Would any of the readers of I.M.A. have any information as to
when this Baker engine #501 was built? This engine set for many
years in a sawmill near Friendship, Indiana. The engine and gearing
looks good. There are some parts that are completely gone, but
I’d like to start restoring the engine. George Meister of
Batesville says Baker #501 was resold by the Baker Company in 1912
after a major overhauling, but he doesn’t know when it was sold
new. I would like to hear from anyone that could give me data on
this engine.
Bob Anderson and Ted Young [left to right] above stand proudly
behind the superb model of Union Pacific’s 4-8-8-4
‘Big-Boy’ live steam locomotive built by Ted. To Bob’s
left and slightly visible in the back-ground is the 2′ scale
model of a Case 65 H.P. traction engine. The Case model is
all bronze and was built with castings which give the
‘REAL’ look. I’m not sure, but I think this model was
Bob’s first serious modeling experience, this picture was taken
at the King’s Show in 1973.
A 6 HP gasoline engine. On the brass plate is ‘Built by C.H.
A Dissinger & Brothers, Wrightsville, Pa. The gentleman
pictured is 76 and was the original owner. He told us he had owned
four of these Dissinger engines. This was the last to be sold. He
received this one in August 1907. He used them in sawmills. Two
were scrapped, a 20 HP was sold and is being restored and this 6 HP
we brought back to my home to restore. This engine was found as
pictured several weeks before by the man who owned the 8 Witte near
Altoona. Does anyone know of any other Dissinger’s or any
information on these engines?
Pictured are Case tractors. They are 25-45 cross motors. They
were made in 1927 and 1928. These tractors are in A shape. The
numbers of these tractors are 301215 and 300977.
This is my mailbox for more than a year now. It is on a steam
engine that I used on my mill in 1938. It is an 8 x 10, made in
Richmond, Virginia by Smith Courtney Co. The little white place you
see is only to fill a hole where the steam went in. The idea of a
mail box base is only mine, just as you see some other things that
other people use. The wooden base is from a Civil War time house,
where I was raised.