In the March-April 1975 Iron-Men Album I mentioned seeing a
model steel Avery thresher operated by a model 15-30 McCormick
Deering tractor. The models are 1/2 scale of a 28 x 48 Avery
Thresher and 1/2 scale 15-30 McCormick tractor complete with a 4
cylinder motor. The outfit includes a hayrack wagon and a wood
wheeled grain wagon which are shown in the background. The wagons
Havelaar and his son Charles. They live in Hudson, South Dakota,
57034. Phone 984-2242.
I am sorry I had the wrong address and was unable to give the
owner’s name in my notes on the Butterfield show where I saw
the machines in action. Recently I received a fine letter from the
Havelaars setting me right on this.
I also wish to thank Mr. A. L. Rennewanz of New Rockford, North
Dakota 58356 for his informative letter on this. Courtesy of John
T. Hays, 1511 Iglehart Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55104
Come and join in the fun during the 7th annual Fall Horse
Farming Days at Rockome Gardens, this year on the three weekends of
Sept. 26, 27, Oct. 3, 4, 10 & 11. See such daily events as
Threshing with horses and steam engines, Gang-Plowing & Disking
with a team of six, Sulky-Plowing with a team of three, Silage
Cutting and Grinding with horses. And, if you feel particularly
hardy, try your hand in our Plowing and Corn-Shucking contests.
Also at this time will be one of two annual Arts & Crafts
festivals at Rockome Gardens. See the crafts of Blacksmithing,
Harness Making, Pottery Making, Chair Caning, Rug Weaving, Candle
Making, Spinning, Glass Blowing, and more.
Take in all of the regular features of Rockome Gardens, too. Go
on a leisurely stroll through the magnificent rock-floral gardens,
and then walk on down to Old Bagdad Town, a recreated frontier
village. Take a Buggy Ride or Train Ride, visit the Amish House,
Antique Museum, Rock Shop, Bakery, Calico Shop, General Store,
Indian Trading Post, and Deer Park. All at Rockome Gardens, located
five miles west of Arcola, Ill., just off Interstate 57.