Two boys inspect an ancient steam tractor at the Heart of America Steam Engine & Model Association Show. Courtesy of Jane Macaulay, 1116 Indiana, Lawrence, Kansas 66044. Pictures by Ron Smith, Lawrence Daily Journal-World Staff photos.
Jane Macaulay
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Melvin Hellwinckel and an old tandem compound Russell on parade at Butterfield, Minnesota 1975. Courtesy of Melvin Hellwinckel, 1022 North Elm, Luverne, Minnesota 56156.
Melvin Hellwinckel
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Picture taken in 1933 at the Tasa Coal Company mine near Hopedale, Ohio. The men are 1. to r.: Frances Parrish, Walter Kross, Adolf Newman, Bud Shotgrass (who now operates the Silver Spade, a 105 cubic yard shovel for Consol. Coal Co.) Orville Cox and Red
William F
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Steam engines line up for the parade at the Heart of America Steam Engine & Model Association Show. Courtesy of Jane Macaulay, 1116 Indiana, Lawrence, Kansas 66044. Pictures by Ron Smith, Lawrence Daily Journal-World Staff photos.
Jane Macaulay
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Pictured here is a snapshot of a small steam engine which I own. It is 14'' long and 6'' tall. About all that I know about it, is that it is more than 70 years old. I am wondering if you or any of your readers could possibly know anything about it. I have
Norman F
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Rudy Clemmensen
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Rudy Clemmensen
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Courtesy of William S. Morganfield, 402 E. Second Street, Winner, South Dakota 57580.
William S. Morganfield
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BEFORE Stan Steffen and son, Tom, age 13, unloading a 1909 Nichols & Shepard 25-90, 2 cylinder steam tractor, which was purchased from Tom Bush, Colton, Washington and was trucked home courtesy of Bob Cardwell, Fresno in December 1973. After some repairs
Bob Cardwell
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20 HP Aultman Taylor engine owned by Arthur - Taken on Christmas Day in 1948. Courtesy of Arthur J. Frase, R. R. 1, Reeseville, Wisconsin 53579.
Arthur J. Frase
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Jim Mollenhauer, engineer, 22 HP Advance, maneuvering the rig for a four-stack setting. pictures taken at the 1975 Scott-Carver Old Threshers Show. Courtesy of Rudy Clemmensen, 833 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55105.
Rudy Clemmensen
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AFTER. Tom Steffen and the completely restored Nichols & Shepard steam tractor. Tom has entered his tractor in parades around our home area. Tom can fire and handle the tractor alone. He finds everything about old farm equipment and tractors very interest
Joan Steffen
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John Schoening and his 50 HP Case, viewing the balance of the parade. Both pictures taken at the 1975 Scott-Carver Old Threshers Show. Courtesy of Rudy Clemmensen, 833 Grand Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55105.
Rudy Clemmensen
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Harvey Hoffman outfit with Willis Hersh at throttle. Engine is a 9 x 10 Frick, Picture was taken in 1947. Courtesy of Harvey Hoffman, 17705 S. Western Avenue, So. #59, Gardina, California 90248.
Harvey Hoffman
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Two show visitors admire a 1/3 scale steam engine shown by Claire Elsbury, Mason City, Iowa. Photos courtesy of Karl A. Lind, Albert City, Iowa 50510.
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Spinning wool is one of the several Pioneer crafts at the show. Karla Lind demonstrates with her 85 year old spinning wheel. Photos courtesy of Karl A. Lind, Albert City, Iowa 50510.
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Garret Havelaar, Hudson, South Dakota exhibited his 1/2 scale threshing rig. Photos courtesy of Karl A. Lind, Albert City, Iowa 50510. The above three pictures from The Albert City Threshermen & Collectors Show
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R. W. Hovetter, Parkville, Missouri oils his steam tractor (a recreation built by the Behn Company, Orawatomie, 1970) in preparation for the parade at Heart of America Steam Engine & Model Association Show in August 1975. Courtesy of Jane Macaulay, 1116
Jane Macaulay
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Courtesy of Mrs. Jim Newman, Route 2, Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin 53085.
Jim Newman
Pictured are two 10 x 14 cakes put together. We drew the picture of the steam engine from a scale model that my father-in-law has. After we had it on paper, it was easy to toothpick the outline on the cake. A good friend, Mrs. Al Bublitz, did all the decorating and filling in of the engine. The cake was for the 70th birthday of Wilbur Newman, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. He worked with many engines
years ago. It took us four hours to do the engine! The wheels and writing were red, the smoke and chain were gray and the engine works, canopy and grass were green.
This photo was taken December 4, 1970 of myself and two of my steam engines. First one is a Case 65 made in 1922. It has all of the latest equipment, also a kerosene head light and Northern Pacific head light. It is all in perfect shape. We used this engine mostly in moving buildings, etc. To the rear is a 16 HP. Aultman Taylor engine that I bought new, complete with wood frame separator and Water Wagon, in 1917. It has a Carbide head light, Canadian Pacific whistle, and is in good shape. I bought my first steam traction engine in 1913. It was a tandam compound Advance.
Do you have a special place in your heart for the good old days of life on the American farm? Do your ears perk up at the sound of an old Johnny Popper John Deere? Do your eyes widen at the sight of a vintage Stover stationary? Then Farm Collector is for you!