Hot plowing sod. Ground on Loffelmacher Farms. Big Four Gas Traction Co. engine still in use. 30 x 60. Many a day I made plowing with this tractor 60 acres of ground turned over in 12 hours time.
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This is the 16 hp. Peerless belt in 1905, No. 11532. I have used this engine since I was a boy. It was well cared for and still is like new.
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This is the last engine built by the Illinois Thresher Company, Sycamore, Illinois, owned by Newton Gould of Elbum, Illinois
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50 hp Case running rock crushers in Vernon County, Wisconsin.
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Waterloo 14 HP.
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Gaar-Scott model engine and Woods Bros. Hummingbird Separator owned by Ralph. Thresher has all working parts and runs very nicely. Wagon also made by hand as it all is. Separator has nearly 200 bolts, engine was purchased in unfinished condition.
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A Model of Buffalo Pitts rear-mounted engine built in Setka Bros. farm shop.
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Gaar-Scott engine built in 1912. Now owned by L. K. Wood.
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A WATERLOO Separator - a New Neighbor among us. - Elmer.
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From Moorhead, Minnesota at Pionera, 1958. The neatest thing in a model yet. Every detail in 1/3 scale. Worked just like the 1912 'original' even to the voice.
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7 H.P. Stickney, bought about 1908. It was used on a farm to elevate grain, grind feed, run a fanning mill and a grind stone.
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Myself with a rough model I made in 1950. Today I am rather older and balder. I am not an engine owner, due to lack of space and money, but try to do my bit by the photos and writing. Maybe some of your folks will have seen my name in MODEL ENGINEERS over
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The Landorf family on Route 34, west of Naperville, Illinois, still put to use this Aultman-Taylor steam traction engine. This 25 hp coal burner was built between 1912 and 1915. The engine travels about 3 to 4 miles per hour when pulling a plow. It is use
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Avery Traction Engine model built by Ray. Model is all wood.
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John Arstad of McHenry, North Dakota with his Nichols & Shepard double belted to a 36' Avery separator doing some threshing.
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There isn't much information on these pictures but the Holtcamp's thought maybe some me from Erie may see them and know some of the men and know more about it.
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Happened about 50 years ago near Erie, Illinois on the Rock River. Seth Eddy's engine, Payne Thompson, engineer.
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