By Staff
Published on January 1, 1974
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A recent addition to the Reynolds Museum is a 1902 Waterloo 16 HP steam traction engine. It weighs 10,770 lbs. without water and came from a location not far from Detroit, Michigan. The man standing beside the steamer is Stan Green, our steam engineer. Co
A recent addition to the Reynolds Museum is a 1902 Waterloo 16 HP steam traction engine. It weighs 10,770 lbs. without water and came from a location not far from Detroit, Michigan. The man standing beside the steamer is Stan Green, our steam engineer. Co
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Above photo shows Ed Vogel and his 20 mule team hitch. Ed is
riding the left  wheeler mule with a jerk line running to the
lead mule team who had warning bells fixed to their hame tops.
below photo is one of Ed Vogel’s 20 team hitch horses down. The
gray horse is standing a-straddle the down horse which slipped and
is tangled in the hitch. The street was lined with hundreds of

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