By Staff
Published on July 1, 1964
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The old threshing machine in this picture was manufactured by Wands-cheer Bros., Sioux Center, Iowa. It is now owned by Peter Vander Weide, Sioux Center, Iowa, who is shown in the picture. It is motor driven, self propelled and the motor is on top.
The old threshing machine in this picture was manufactured by Wands-cheer Bros., Sioux Center, Iowa. It is now owned by Peter Vander Weide, Sioux Center, Iowa, who is shown in the picture. It is motor driven, self propelled and the motor is on top.
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Mason-Dixon Reunion 1963 with Hull's engine. Parading at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
Mason-Dixon Reunion 1963 with Hull's engine. Parading at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
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Durward's 24 hp. Minneapolis No. 8673 pulling the sawmill in June 1956.
Durward's 24 hp. Minneapolis No. 8673 pulling the sawmill in June 1956.
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Here is a picture of the 20 Nichols & Shepard, No. 14052 owned by Mr. Chas. Routhe, St. Joseph, Illinois. This picture was taken at Mr. Routhe's farm in August 1963.
Here is a picture of the 20 Nichols & Shepard, No. 14052 owned by Mr. Chas. Routhe, St. Joseph, Illinois. This picture was taken at Mr. Routhe's farm in August 1963.
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Here is a picture of the small model traction steam engine which we use to give rides on the street. It is the only one of its kind that I know of giving rides on the street.
Here is a picture of the small model traction steam engine which we use to give rides on the street. It is the only one of its kind that I know of giving rides on the street.
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Murray Clark would like to get his 1920 Overland across the tracks, but first things first, the Heisler must be oiled by Allan Pommer. North Woodstock, New Hampshire. Clark's Trading Post
Murray Clark would like to get his 1920 Overland across the tracks, but first things first, the Heisler must be oiled by Allan Pommer. North Woodstock, New Hampshire. Clark's Trading Post
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Here is a picture of my 22-44 Minneapolis Farm Motor. It is in A-1 condition as it has been housed most of its life except for about 11/2 years. The man that bought it brand new traded a 40 acre farm for it in 1924. This picture shows the old and the new.
Here is a picture of my 22-44 Minneapolis Farm Motor. It is in A-1 condition as it has been housed most of its life except for about 11/2 years. The man that bought it brand new traded a 40 acre farm for it in 1924. This picture shows the old and the new.
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Here is a picture of my last engine, an 80 Case. It was one swell engine. She is just popping off so you can see the steam. I threshed for 23 falls and have run almost every make of engine.
Here is a picture of my last engine, an 80 Case. It was one swell engine. She is just popping off so you can see the steam. I threshed for 23 falls and have run almost every make of engine.
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1916 picture at Great Northern Depot, Perkins, Iowa on R. R. line from Sioux City, Iowa to Willmar, Minnesota. This engine was unloaded at Perkins and used for threshing in that vicinity. Does anybody have more information on this??
1916 picture at Great Northern Depot, Perkins, Iowa on R. R. line from Sioux City, Iowa to Willmar, Minnesota. This engine was unloaded at Perkins and used for threshing in that vicinity. Does anybody have more information on this??
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A corn shredding scene of November 30, 1909. A good old New Huber powering a Jenny shredder. The outfit was owned by Wm. E. Nichols of Morganville, New York, R. D. Nicholas father, when R. D. was just a 'kid'.
A corn shredding scene of November 30, 1909. A good old New Huber powering a Jenny shredder. The outfit was owned by Wm. E. Nichols of Morganville, New York, R. D. Nicholas father, when R. D. was just a 'kid'.
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This picture of a 1910 Sawyer-Massey, 20 HP, Traction Engine was taken in the woods at Haney, British Columbia, Canada.
This picture of a 1910 Sawyer-Massey, 20 HP, Traction Engine was taken in the woods at Haney, British Columbia, Canada.
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Here is a picture of 1/2 scale Peerless 1898, Model R, 4' bore, 6' stroke. It has the Landis reverse, wood spoked wheels and Pickering Governor. My uncle, James E. Lancaster, built it. Gilbert B. Lancaster, my father, is doing the sawing.
Here is a picture of 1/2 scale Peerless 1898, Model R, 4' bore, 6' stroke. It has the Landis reverse, wood spoked wheels and Pickering Governor. My uncle, James E. Lancaster, built it. Gilbert B. Lancaster, my father, is doing the sawing.
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35 hp. Farquhar doing its last running in this running in this country, before leaving for South America.
35 hp. Farquhar doing its last running in this running in this country, before leaving for South America.
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Here is a picture of my little 2 HP Traction which was built in 1961 from odds and ends. It has a 33/8 x 33/4 bore and stroke, carries 75 lbs. of steam, chain drive on wheels. The boiler is a Little Giant, built in Chicago about 1905, 11/2 HP. I built the
Here is a picture of my little 2 HP Traction which was built in 1961 from odds and ends. It has a 33/8 x 33/4 bore and stroke, carries 75 lbs. of steam, chain drive on wheels. The boiler is a Little Giant, built in Chicago about 1905, 11/2 HP. I built the
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This picture of the Advance Rumely, 22 HP, No. 14727, was taken during the winter of 1958. Charles Routh is the owner and he also has a Nichols-Shepard Engine, a Keck Thresher and several old tractors and gas engines. We hope to cut 10 acres of wheat and
This picture of the Advance Rumely, 22 HP, No. 14727, was taken during the winter of 1958. Charles Routh is the owner and he also has a Nichols-Shepard Engine, a Keck Thresher and several old tractors and gas engines. We hope to cut 10 acres of wheat and
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Case Portable with reverse. It pulled a Sawmill at the Maryland Reunion. You could call it 'A Powerful Brute'.
Case Portable with reverse. It pulled a Sawmill at the Maryland Reunion. You could call it 'A Powerful Brute'.
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Gus Linquist, Stratford, Iowa, 1905. These are not show pictures - they were taken when men were men, and when a neighbor was a neighbor. Avery outfit, with Gus by the wheel of steamer - years ago.
Gus Linquist, Stratford, Iowa, 1905. These are not show pictures - they were taken when men were men, and when a neighbor was a neighbor. Avery outfit, with Gus by the wheel of steamer - years ago.
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Gus Linquist of Stafford, Iowa with his new Avery tractor and Wood Bros. Separator in 1915. This is the same men as in 1905 only as time changed, so did Gus, but he is long gone to the 'hunting ground' now, as is a lot of these old timers these
Gus Linquist of Stafford, Iowa with his new Avery tractor and Wood Bros. Separator in 1915. This is the same men as in 1905 only as time changed, so did Gus, but he is long gone to the 'hunting ground' now, as is a lot of these old timers these
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110 Case and Ernie Stinson's 40 Reeves. This picture was taken in 1919. We just happened to pass as we were moving from one plowing job to another at Brady, Montana. Sorry, but we have lost the name of the person who sent this picture to us, but we though
110 Case and Ernie Stinson's 40 Reeves. This picture was taken in 1919. We just happened to pass as we were moving from one plowing job to another at Brady, Montana. Sorry, but we have lost the name of the person who sent this picture to us, but we though
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This picture was taken in 1917 as the 20 Russell and 36-60 Separator was leaving home to start threshing run.
This picture was taken in 1917 as the 20 Russell and 36-60 Separator was leaving home to start threshing run.
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Here is a picture of the 17 Jumbo, No. 2337, owned by Glen Combs, Decatur, Illinois. This picture was taken at Geo. Scoles farm, Cisco, Illinois on Saturday, July27, 1963.
Here is a picture of the 17 Jumbo, No. 2337, owned by Glen Combs, Decatur, Illinois. This picture was taken at Geo. Scoles farm, Cisco, Illinois on Saturday, July27, 1963.
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This engine, No. 2210, was made by the Jacob Haish Company, DeKalb, Illinois and sold by the Sandwich Manufacturing Company, Sandwich, Illinois. I found it at Manistique, Michigan on my way home from a deer hunting trip. It was used to run a small saw mil
This engine, No. 2210, was made by the Jacob Haish Company, DeKalb, Illinois and sold by the Sandwich Manufacturing Company, Sandwich, Illinois. I found it at Manistique, Michigan on my way home from a deer hunting trip. It was used to run a small saw mil
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Birmingham Steam Trams. Kitson steam train of 1883 and trailer.
Birmingham Steam Trams. Kitson steam train of 1883 and trailer.
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This picture was taken at Hayden Lake, Idaho between 1916 and 1920. The driver is Joe Buckle and his father is on the mower. I went to school with Joe.
This picture was taken at Hayden Lake, Idaho between 1916 and 1920. The driver is Joe Buckle and his father is on the mower. I went to school with Joe.
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Here is a picture of a rare engine taken at a Steam Meet at Victor, New York in 1962. I do not believe there is another like it. It is a S. W. Woods, 16 HP, Traction Engine built at Clyde, New York. My son and I are the owners of this engine. The man besi
Here is a picture of a rare engine taken at a Steam Meet at Victor, New York in 1962. I do not believe there is another like it. It is a S. W. Woods, 16 HP, Traction Engine built at Clyde, New York. My son and I are the owners of this engine. The man besi
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Here is a picture of me standing beside my 1915 Cretoris Model D. The engine and poppers work perfectly. Note the two brass lined stats in top of front glass frame where harness lines went through to steer old Dobbin.
Here is a picture of me standing beside my 1915 Cretoris Model D. The engine and poppers work perfectly. Note the two brass lined stats in top of front glass frame where harness lines went through to steer old Dobbin.
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When I was a boy I drove a header-box at harvest time. This picture shows the old time box that was used in the big bend country of Washington.
When I was a boy I drove a header-box at harvest time. This picture shows the old time box that was used in the big bend country of Washington.
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Here is a picture of a Frick 81/2 x 10 and a 28-47 Frick Thresher, threshing rye on my farm in 1958.
Here is a picture of a Frick 81/2 x 10 and a 28-47 Frick Thresher, threshing rye on my farm in 1958.
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A few samples of my models. The one in the distance is a model Minneapolis Return Flue - a memory job - a few tin cans and a door bell motor drives the crank. Eccentric drives contact points, enclosed batteries do the work. There are 2 Minneapolis straigh
A few samples of my models. The one in the distance is a model Minneapolis Return Flue - a memory job - a few tin cans and a door bell motor drives the crank. Eccentric drives contact points, enclosed batteries do the work. There are 2 Minneapolis straigh
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Here is a picture of a Single Cylinder Engine made by Messrs. Clayton and Shuttle worth, Lincoln in 1866. The threshing machine is of a later date. The only thing I remember about this is that the thresherman always stopped at a pub opposite our house and
Here is a picture of a Single Cylinder Engine made by Messrs. Clayton and Shuttle worth, Lincoln in 1866. The threshing machine is of a later date. The only thing I remember about this is that the thresherman always stopped at a pub opposite our house and
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The line of old steam engines we displayed at our steam engine show last year. The first one is an old Huber I found. I worked nearly all summer to get it built up and in running order for the steam engine show.
The line of old steam engines we displayed at our steam engine show last year. The first one is an old Huber I found. I worked nearly all summer to get it built up and in running order for the steam engine show.
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This picture was taken in 1941 and I am standing on the tank.
This picture was taken in 1941 and I am standing on the tank.
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Pictured is an old 25 HP Gas Tractor. We looked for a whole year for one and what do you know, we found it within 20 miles of home in an old building. It was sold to settle an estate. What a beauty it turned out to be after we had it all cleaned and paint
Pictured is an old 25 HP Gas Tractor. We looked for a whole year for one and what do you know, we found it within 20 miles of home in an old building. It was sold to settle an estate. What a beauty it turned out to be after we had it all cleaned and paint
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Here is a picture of my No. 2390 Baker Steam Engine Uniflow.
Here is a picture of my No. 2390 Baker Steam Engine Uniflow.
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Here is a picture of the engine I built with the following specifications: Length of boiler - 631/2', Height - 54', Diameter - 123/4', Width - 29', 14 flues, Crank disc - 9-3/4 x 1-1/8, Front wheels - 4 x 21', Flywheel - 5 x 15&qu
Here is a picture of the engine I built with the following specifications: Length of boiler - 631/2', Height - 54', Diameter - 123/4', Width - 29', 14 flues, Crank disc - 9-3/4 x 1-1/8, Front wheels - 4 x 21', Flywheel - 5 x 15&qu
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Here is a picture of a 1906 Minneapolis Return Flue taken in 1958. The engine is in A-1 condition. It is owned by James Ruble, Moscow, Minnesota. The man at the throttle is George Schmidt.
Here is a picture of a 1906 Minneapolis Return Flue taken in 1958. The engine is in A-1 condition. It is owned by James Ruble, Moscow, Minnesota. The man at the throttle is George Schmidt.
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I was a teen-ager at the time I fired this engine in 1917. I'm hidden behind the straw rack and the fellow standing is C. Fehr, owner of the outfit. This was taken north of Saskatoon. A Gaar-Scott engine and Case Separator. It was a nice engine to fire an
I was a teen-ager at the time I fired this engine in 1917. I'm hidden behind the straw rack and the fellow standing is C. Fehr, owner of the outfit. This was taken north of Saskatoon. A Gaar-Scott engine and Case Separator. It was a nice engine to fire an
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This outfit belonged to John Goertzen. In 1920 I fired this Case Engine and put in about 30 days and enjoyed every bit of it. This was on the Gravelburg Branch Hodgeville and St. Boswells. Made a good bit of dough for the winter. It was 'bringing in
This outfit belonged to John Goertzen. In 1920 I fired this Case Engine and put in about 30 days and enjoyed every bit of it. This was on the Gravelburg Branch Hodgeville and St. Boswells. Made a good bit of dough for the winter. It was 'bringing in
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This picture of a 1912, 13 HP, Waterloo Traction Engine was taken at the Saskatoon Pion-era in 1958.
This picture of a 1912, 13 HP, Waterloo Traction Engine was taken at the Saskatoon Pion-era in 1958.
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This picture was taken at Aastad Township, Minnesota in 1920. The rig was owned by Clarence Hoff. The engine was a 30 HP Advance. I am on the left and my fireman, Clarence Paulson, is on the right. I had my first engine at the age of 18 years and it was a
This picture was taken at Aastad Township, Minnesota in 1920. The rig was owned by Clarence Hoff. The engine was a 30 HP Advance. I am on the left and my fireman, Clarence Paulson, is on the right. I had my first engine at the age of 18 years and it was a
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F. H. Warnock of 422 Euclid Ave., Peoria Heights, Illinois built this outfit and exhibited it at the Pontiac and Mt. Pleasant Reunions. The small engine is a Model Galloway, which runs the pump. The larger one is an English type built from castings. They
F. H. Warnock of 422 Euclid Ave., Peoria Heights, Illinois built this outfit and exhibited it at the Pontiac and Mt. Pleasant Reunions. The small engine is a Model Galloway, which runs the pump. The larger one is an English type built from castings. They
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Here is a novelty. It is owned and built by Dan Evans, Comeridge, Illionis. It has an oscillating cylinder. You have seen them on Wheeden toy engines. This is the only one of this size I have seen. We are giving three views of it for your study. Evans alw
Here is a novelty. It is owned and built by Dan Evans, Comeridge, Illionis. It has an oscillating cylinder. You have seen them on Wheeden toy engines. This is the only one of this size I have seen. We are giving three views of it for your study. Evans alw
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Here is a novelty. It is owned and built by Dan Evans, Comeridge, Illionis. It has an oscillating cylinder. You have seen them on Wheeden toy engines. This is the only one of this size I have seen. We are giving three views of it for your study. Evans alw
Here is a novelty. It is owned and built by Dan Evans, Comeridge, Illionis. It has an oscillating cylinder. You have seen them on Wheeden toy engines. This is the only one of this size I have seen. We are giving three views of it for your study. Evans alw
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Reunion Gems
Reunion Gems
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Here is a novelty. It is owned and built by Dan Evans, Comeridge, Illionis. It has an oscillating cylinder. You have seen them on Wheeden toy engines. This is the only one of this size I have seen. We are giving three views of it for your study. Evans alw
Here is a novelty. It is owned and built by Dan Evans, Comeridge, Illionis. It has an oscillating cylinder. You have seen them on Wheeden toy engines. This is the only one of this size I have seen. We are giving three views of it for your study. Evans alw
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Amer Cook's Case Tractor at the Pontiac Reunion. That looks like a smile of satisfaction.
Amer Cook's Case Tractor at the Pontiac Reunion. That looks like a smile of satisfaction.
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Here is a picture of Prof. S. D. Chambers of Purdue University standing beside a 50 HP Case Engine, Serial No. 32115. The engine was built on July 28, 1914 and shipped on September 8, 1914 to Naperville, Illinois. Total weight was 16,560 lbs. The picture
Here is a picture of Prof. S. D. Chambers of Purdue University standing beside a 50 HP Case Engine, Serial No. 32115. The engine was built on July 28, 1914 and shipped on September 8, 1914 to Naperville, Illinois. Total weight was 16,560 lbs. The picture
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This picture was taken at the G. W. McConnen farm at Dorset, Ohio on August 2, 1961.
This picture was taken at the G. W. McConnen farm at Dorset, Ohio on August 2, 1961.
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Nate Lang and the Model double Star Engine, which he built. This was taken at the Mt. Pleasant Reunion. It is a l/2 scale of a 20 hp which I guess would make it a 10 hp. It is perfect. -Elmer
Nate Lang and the Model double Star Engine, which he built. This was taken at the Mt. Pleasant Reunion. It is a l/2 scale of a 20 hp which I guess would make it a 10 hp. It is perfect. -Elmer

Here is a picture of a 35 HP Double Simple Nichols & Shepard
Engine pulling a fourteen bottom breaking plow, breaking the virgin
sod of Dakota. This outfit was purchased 50 years ago and was the
first engine and separator to be unloaded in Barnard, South Dakota.
After the harvest this same engine was belted to the largest
‘Red River Special’ separator and threshed for as many as

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