This is a simple Russell 18-60 HP and the engineer is Milton H. Korn (with oil can). This was a very nice engine and a good one. This picture was taken 1909 at Montra, Shelby Co., Ohio.
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A steam tractor of 1894, built by the Best Manufacturing Co., one of the predecessors of the present Caterpillar Tractor Co.
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2. This is the owner of the engine, Robert D. Ehret feeding the machine and my son, Kerry, cutting the twine. My nice neighbor, Paul Hoover, is taking care of the grain at the bagger. Berneard Meyer of Goshen is throwing the bundles on the table. The stra
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John Schrock, the owner of the Ellis Keystone feeding the machine and an old time Thresher, Al Jacobs of Goshen, cutting the bundles.
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1. This picture shows of an old time thresherman, Jerry Kehr, seeing that the Russell will keep up its steam. That is also me keeping the straw away from the machine in the barn.
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3. This is my son, Kerry, and myself adjusting the straw conveyor belts. They were too loose for the heavy straw. We had to tighten them.
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Grinding maze at Wahomis, Oklahoma -you can't find any better friendship and hospitality than at these shows.
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Grinding maze at Wahomis, Oklahoma.
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Taken at Havilland, Kansas last summer. There were 35 boys and girls tugging on the rope and they held the engine until it dug itself down (on hard ground). It had to be pushed out.
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Elmer and the Korn Krib. This picture shows the cane that was made by a Mr. Taylor and another man from Missouri, whose letter I have mislaid. If they wilt send me their name and address, I will put the information in the next album. I am sorry, but the c
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An 18 HP Waterloo traction engine working on the fan at Milton show in 1967.
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Buffalo Tandem Roller manufactured by Buffalo Roller Company, New York.
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Threshing rig owned by my Uncle Herman J. Onken, Sibley, Iowa. He is standing on separator. Herman Atz, is the engineer on engine. Picture was taken about 1915.
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1918 Evan Tompkins' Case belted to ''Parrot Nose'' Crusher at Hilton, N. Y. on site of large cold storage. Staging is up for building stone wall. Right front wheel of engine off and crusher also set low. Crusher was used from 1910 on crushing stone for hi
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This engine was built in our shop over a period of four years. The castings were purchased from Mr. Alexander, Kansas City, Missouri. The two passengers are our children, Frankie and Cheryl.
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My 16-60 Nichols & Shepard traction engine that I bought from Mrs. John Gustaf-son at Palco, Kansas several years back. Mr. Gustafson bought this engine new and it is in good shape. Harold Ottaway of Wichita hauled it home for me and I will say he is the
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Model rig that I have built. Scale of engine 2'' to foot of Case 80, No. 30661 -1913. Scale of separator 2'' to foot of Case 32'' x 54'' - 1912. I operate it at shows.
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1908 no. 21 Star steam-powered well drill rig at Mikkelson's in August 1966.
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Ray Heinrich cleaning flues on Case 50 at Mikkelson's in August 1966.
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16 Russell pulling Case machine at Humann's. Harvey Mikkelson on engine. Loren M. Wade and Wm. B. Edmondson looking on September 1965.
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A 1914-30 HP George White engine driving a 22-38 McCormick separator at the Milton show in 1967.
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A scene of the Waukomis, Oklahoma Threshing Bee in August 1967. The equipment building will house 14 large steam engines and 6 threshing machines.
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Frick at the Berryville, Virginia Show. This is a stereoscope picture and is a new feature of this magazine and will have a different picture each issue. This is them fourth time it has been presented. If you will cut it out on the heavy lines and paste o
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''New Jumbo'' breaking plow with 24'' share. Owned by some faithful members of Black Hawk Steam Show. This is hand made.
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Group of men pictured here was taken in 1921. I was twenty one years old then and I am the second one from the right. This is of the men and the cook wagon just before dinner taken near Halsey, Oregon.
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George and his Russell engine. Story in the last issue ''Steam In The Blood''
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M. Rumely engine, 12 HP Picture taken in 1916.
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This is the first engine my father, Thomas O. Redd owned, a 10 Hp Peerless. He thrashed, sawmilled, crushed stone and drilled water wells. His father and sister are on the engine. This picture was taken in 1906.
Story in the last issue ‘Steam In The Blood’
In 1908, Milton made a model airplane of the monoplane type with two propellers. Each propeller was driven by very flexible rubber strands. In very still air it would fly better than 300 feet. In 1909-1910-1911 he was co-designer and builder of two pusher type monoplanes. The second was successful.
In 1912 he helped to build one of the first successful Tractor Type biplanes and the world’s second flying boat for the BENOIST Aircraft Co. in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1913 he met with a plane accident from which he died a few days later. He was a pioneer of aviation.
These pictures were all taken at my farm in Harrison Township, Elkhart County, R.R. 3, Goshen, Indiana. It was a beautiful summer day on July 19, 1967. The threshing machine is a 1875 Ellis Keystone, ‘The Champion’ No. 3. It was built in Pottstown, Penna. I bought it from an Old Time Thresherman from Waterloo, Indiana in 1960. I have threshed wheat and oats with the machine, we are threshing wheat today. It sure threshes out the grain excellent, also the straw and chaff so loose and nice.
The Steam Engine is a 15-18 Horse Power Russell Compound Traction Engine. It was built in Massalin, Ohio on March 17, 1899 and sold to Arbuckle Ryan Company of Toledo, Ohio. The owner of the engine is Robert D. Ehret of Goshen, Indiana.
I have always enjoyed the captions and explanations with pictures, but I am badly in need of some information of this one for what kind of power was used here? By no stretch of the mind can we call it boy power cause girls helped and you can’t call it girl power because boys helped. Man power won’t do because no man helped. No horse was used. So what kind of power was it anyway? (Well, Harry I’d say youth power, human power or to get more on the teen age level talk – let’s call it, power a-go-go! – Anna Mae).
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