(Mrs. Ritzman had been down to the Show at Antique Acres Bomar
Gardens in Cheraw, South Carolina and was going to write about it.
She asks me to tell you she is sorry that due to present
circumstances she did not get this done but she wanted you to see a
few of the pictures. Dave and Mary Egan were along with her on this
trip and Dave took the snaps. Anna Mae.)
I bought this separator from Mrs. Houfek about 10 years ago,
keep it shedded and am proud of it. Frank was a good engineer and
took good care of his machinery. His name and the years he owned it
will be put on a plaque and attached to the separator.
In 1963 I bought a 20 hp. Minneapolis engine from Roy Keller of
Ashland, Nebraska. I told Roy that his name will be put on the
engine and the time he owned it. It was a great day in my life when
I received a letter from Roy stating that he decided to sell the
engine. It took my son and I about 18 months of spare time to clean
and paint it.
We threshed with it in 1967 for our state Centennial celebration
in Malmo, Nebraska. In 1968 for our Fireman Celebration, 1969 at
Blair, Nebraska Centennial Show and 1970 at Wahoo, Nebr. for their
Celebration and parade.
I have a 32′ Minneapolis steel Separator, a 22′ Wooden,
1-Case, 2-A very Steel and 1-McDeering. The kind I most desire is
the kind that used to thresh at our place, a 32′ or 36′
late model wooden Minneapolis. Whoever reads my article will soon
detect I am a Minneapolis lover, I was infected with steam at an
early age and have not been cured since.