By Staff
Published on July 1, 1971
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Old steam drilling engine on Miller Lease at Bradford, Pennsylvania. Picture taken in 1930. Power house in background. Courtesy of Oscar L. Carson, Pleasantville, Pennsylvania 16341.
Old steam drilling engine on Miller Lease at Bradford, Pennsylvania. Picture taken in 1930. Power house in background. Courtesy of Oscar L. Carson, Pleasantville, Pennsylvania 16341.
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Clearwater, Kansas, in the summer of 1922. I am standing on the Case Separator, 28-48. Courtesy of Ed E. Buck, Route 1, Centralia, Missouri 65240.
Clearwater, Kansas, in the summer of 1922. I am standing on the Case Separator, 28-48. Courtesy of Ed E. Buck, Route 1, Centralia, Missouri 65240.
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Bill James, Eugene, Oregon, stands on the platform of his double simple, rear-mounted Nichols & Shepard 20-75 steamer. The engine was a prime attraction at the Second Annual Great Oregon Steam-up at Brooks, Oregon, August 20 to 23, 1970. That's Tom Grant
Bill James, Eugene, Oregon, stands on the platform of his double simple, rear-mounted Nichols & Shepard 20-75 steamer. The engine was a prime attraction at the Second Annual Great Oregon Steam-up at Brooks, Oregon, August 20 to 23, 1970. That's Tom Grant
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Double cylinder Colean Western Tractor. Courtesy of Spencer K. Creel, 1 Wilson St., Parkersburg, West Virginia 26101.
Double cylinder Colean Western Tractor. Courtesy of Spencer K. Creel, 1 Wilson St., Parkersburg, West Virginia 26101.
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Harry Woodmansee on incline at late J. J. Jingtgen's Show near Lamont, Iowa, in 1969. Courtesy of Ken Dennis, Box 508, Ralph's Trailer Park, Leesburg, Florida 32748.
Harry Woodmansee on incline at late J. J. Jingtgen's Show near Lamont, Iowa, in 1969. Courtesy of Ken Dennis, Box 508, Ralph's Trailer Park, Leesburg, Florida 32748.
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Oliver Rhea and Ken Dennis (waving) with 12 hp. Case built in 1886. We ran this engine in 1968 at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Show. It is owned by the late Charles McMillen. Courtesy of Ken Dennis, Box 508, Ralph's Trailer Park, Leesburg, Florida 32748.
Oliver Rhea and Ken Dennis (waving) with 12 hp. Case built in 1886. We ran this engine in 1968 at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Show. It is owned by the late Charles McMillen. Courtesy of Ken Dennis, Box 508, Ralph's Trailer Park, Leesburg, Florida 32748.
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Haston L. St. Clair's 13 hp. Reeves double simple engine that is always close at hand just off the drive. From I. to r. is Haston's lovely wife and helper, their pet dog, Haston and my wife, Mrs. Del Seuser. Courtesy of Del Seuser, R.R. 3, Box 143, Leaven
Haston L. St. Clair's 13 hp. Reeves double simple engine that is always close at hand just off the drive. From I. to r. is Haston's lovely wife and helper, their pet dog, Haston and my wife, Mrs. Del Seuser. Courtesy of Del Seuser, R.R. 3, Box 143, Leaven

This quaint locomotive, the Missouri, was one of the two
original engines of the old Hannibal & St. Joseph Railroad,
which was the first to reach the Missouri River in 1859. The new
railroad staged a record speed run in 1860 and thereby won a
contract to carry the mails between St. Louis and St. Joseph, which
hitherto had been shipped by steamboat. The Missouri pulled the

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