This 1922 50 HP Case is owned by Robert Paul Butts, 10701 Easter
day Road, Myersville, Maryland 21773. The picture was submitted by
his wife, Martha, who writes, ‘He shows his engine from July to
October at shows in Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and
Virginia. He lives for this from year to year.’
Norbeck Research Steam Power Animated Educational Exhibit at the
animated steam fire engine, Baker steam traction engine, Russell
steam traction engine, and a Huber steam roller. In the background
is Barbara Buss’s Candy Store. The showcases were compliments
of Sears & Roebuck Company, Whitehall, Pennslvania hardware
department managers Mr. Haff and Mrs. Weaver, plus the kind help of
four other Sears store hardware managers in Pennsylvania. The three
steam traction engine models were made by Irvin’s Model Shop,
and Mr. Fred Fox animated the Russell steam traction engine. The
author of the Encyclopedia of American Steam Traction Engines, Jack
C. Norbeck, 117 Ruch St., Coplay, PA 18037, animated the steam fire
engine, Baker steam traction engine and the Huber steam roller.
These three engines were part of the display at the Richland
County Steam Threshers’ Show last fall. Left to right: A 22-44
Minneapolis gas tractor (1924), owned by Wayne Reynolds of
Fredericktown, OH; 16 HP Minneapolis steam traction engine #8125,
built in 1917 and owned by Ed Maynard of Grafton, OH; 20 HP
Minneapolis steam traction engine #8705, built in 1924 and owned by
Jared Crow of Navarre, OH. Photo courtesy of Ed Maynard,
15788Men-nell Road, Grafton, Ohio 44044.
This picture shows the first known steam traction engine in the
Niagara Peninsula. Owned and being operated by Alvin Moyer of
Campden, Ontario, it is pictured on what is now known as the Fly
Road, some two miles East of Campden just off the Townline Road. 1
now rent the field from which this picture would have been taken.
It was said to be an 1890’s 10-12 HP McOuen engine having a
rotary valve mechanism. They were built by the Waterous Engine
Works Co. of Brantford, Ontario.
At left, the Stnolik Brothers’ Phoenix log hauler on parade
at last year’s Antique Acres show. For further details about
their 1988 Silver Anniversary activities, see the story on page 18
inside this issue.
Pictured in front of the Smolik Brothers’ 40 Reeves (left to
right) are engineers Jack Fritcher, Harry Woodmansee, Ray Smolik,
Charles Robinson, Lou Gomez, Richard Behrends, Dave Fuhls, Lars
Brownlee, Rick Witt, Bob Fischels, Ray Fischels, Warren Bellinger,
Dean Bellinger, and Randy Schwerin.