By Staff
Published on March 1, 1962
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This is a picture of a 110 hp Case taken at Maquoketa, Iowa, last year. The owner is Justin J. Huntingen, LaMotte, Iowa.
This is a picture of a 110 hp Case taken at Maquoketa, Iowa, last year. The owner is Justin J. Huntingen, LaMotte, Iowa.
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Scale 65 hp Case Model built by Everett Kelso of Reardan. Everett is building a half-scale 28'-58' Case separator to go with the little engine which he has just about completed. The youngsters sure had the time of their lives riding the little e
Scale 65 hp Case Model built by Everett Kelso of Reardan. Everett is building a half-scale 28'-58' Case separator to go with the little engine which he has just about completed. The youngsters sure had the time of their lives riding the little e
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15HP Farquhar Engine. We are glad to present this picture of a Farquhar We do not often get this make. They were a very good engine Elmer.
15HP Farquhar Engine. We are glad to present this picture of a Farquhar We do not often get this make. They were a very good engine Elmer.
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I am enclosing a picture of threshing machine taken about seven miles southwest of Galva, Illinois over 60 years ago.
I am enclosing a picture of threshing machine taken about seven miles southwest of Galva, Illinois over 60 years ago.
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Snapshot taken at the Reunion in September 1957. Crowd of around 500 people. We are leaving the sky and background in the picture because it is interesting to those of us who have never been that far West. We hope it turns out as good as the original. - -
Snapshot taken at the Reunion in September 1957. Crowd of around 500 people. We are leaving the sky and background in the picture because it is interesting to those of us who have never been that far West. We hope it turns out as good as the original. - -
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I enjoy steam engines very much and have 4 engines, 1-80 Case, 1-65 X and 1-28 Mpls. and 1-25 Pls. I've been a steam engineer for 46 years. Pictured above is 110 Case for sawing lumber.
I enjoy steam engines very much and have 4 engines, 1-80 Case, 1-65 X and 1-28 Mpls. and 1-25 Pls. I've been a steam engineer for 46 years. Pictured above is 110 Case for sawing lumber.
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I am forwarding a picture of me and my 18 horse Western style Peerless Engine. This engine is in running condition.
I am forwarding a picture of me and my 18 horse Western style Peerless Engine. This engine is in running condition.
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Picture taken 1959. Myself oiling the linkage, my brother Leonard is hidden behind the flywheel. We're taking our Case 50 to a church picnic. We hook a couple of wagons behind and give rides. That's an Advance Rumely water tank hooked behind the e
Picture taken 1959. Myself oiling the linkage, my brother Leonard is hidden behind the flywheel. We're taking our Case 50 to a church picnic. We hook a couple of wagons behind and give rides. That's an Advance Rumely water tank hooked behind the e
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8 H. P. Case Portable No. 16406
8 H. P. Case Portable No. 16406
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Am sending you this picture of ray Brothers 25 Horse Case. I used to run it on 36-60 Sep, and on saw mill, and used to do a lot of road grading. And I sure enjoyed it. Wish I could do it again. Picture taken 1921.
Am sending you this picture of ray Brothers 25 Horse Case. I used to run it on 36-60 Sep, and on saw mill, and used to do a lot of road grading. And I sure enjoyed it. Wish I could do it again. Picture taken 1921.
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Picture of part of the crowd attending Al, Jack & Nels 2nd Annual Steam Engine Threshing Demonstration on Nels Westergard Farm, 11 miles south of Sioux Falls, South Dakota on Highway No. 77.
Picture of part of the crowd attending Al, Jack & Nels 2nd Annual Steam Engine Threshing Demonstration on Nels Westergard Farm, 11 miles south of Sioux Falls, South Dakota on Highway No. 77.
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This picture was taken in 1910 on my grandfather's farm, Wayne Township, Dauphin Co., Pa. It is a family scene on one of the more-well-to-do farms in the Fall of the year. Those who could not afford to have their wood sawed in this way had to do it th
This picture was taken in 1910 on my grandfather's farm, Wayne Township, Dauphin Co., Pa. It is a family scene on one of the more-well-to-do farms in the Fall of the year. Those who could not afford to have their wood sawed in this way had to do it th
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Enclosed are snapshots of my 8 x 10 Frick Traction Engine. The engine is in top class shape with a West Virginia Inspection Certificate and is used for various jobs on the farm. Both snapshots were taken Labor Day, 1958.
Enclosed are snapshots of my 8 x 10 Frick Traction Engine. The engine is in top class shape with a West Virginia Inspection Certificate and is used for various jobs on the farm. Both snapshots were taken Labor Day, 1958.

This picture also taken Oct. 27, 1961 at the Friends Bible
College Homecoming and Sale. It is the Stillwater 10 hp No. 2723
made by Minnesota Thresher Co., Stillwater, Minn. Does anyone know
of any other Stillwater engines besides this one and the one that
Forrest Pense of Harvard, Nebraska has? I borrowed some parts from
his engine to use as patterns to make some of mine. This engine is

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