Uncle Ed, as he was called, never intended to follow the plow as
he was mechanically bent. In 1902 he started building his mill. By
1908, he was grinding corn and buckwheat and also had a blacksmith
shop. He soon had the reputation of being a man who could repair
anything. Then he added a saw mill.
In those days the farmer boy would come to the mill riding the
would stand by the grinding stones and the boy would pour the
grist. After Uncle Ed took his toll fo 10% the boy would put his
sack of meal across the mare’s back and start the long journey
home. If he wasn’t lucky enough to reach home before dark, for
sometimes he came as far as 20 miles, he might hear the howl of
wolves and the wild cats snarling. Such was mountain life. Uncle Ed
went to his glory in 1938.
This mill pictured was built by myself the winter of 1965 and I
had it at the N.Y.S. Pageant of Steam in 66. It was a crowd drawer.
This is the same kind of mill as mentioned in the above story.
The tour boat stop is just to the right in the background and is
really a busy place. The native tour guide told us about the boiler
and ship after we had left and he turned around and we traveled
several miles to get this picture. The natives stole everything off
of the boat until it is down to the water’s edge. Some Tie
Government ships still use steam and one blew his whistle for us on
the tour sight seeing boat after we pulled the cord like we used to
get R. R. men to do in this country.
(Lois writes us that she had left her camera at the hotel and to
get this picture from a friend in California. He had been taking
colored slides and she had to go to some doings to get this picture
made in black and white to the tune of $1.50 for this one picture.
She was so determined to get it for the Iron-Men Album and that is
the only reason the guide made a return trip to that spot so the
man could take the picture and then he later sent it to her as a
colored slide.) We appreciate all you wonderful folks who go out of
your way to do things like this for our magazine and spend not only
your time but your money also to make the Album a better one all
the time. – Anna Mae
I spent most of my spare time working on it the past two years
and I must say it was very fascinating. I had the pleasure of
meeting lots of old steam engine fans and friends.
I bought the cylinder from Melvin Lugten in Hamilton, Michigan.
The boiler was built by Ed Troudt of Nelson, Nebraska under the
A.S.M.E. code.
Picture was taken in the front yead of my home, with me on the
platform of the engine.
My home was built by Colonel Bradley in 1867, so you can see by
looking at this picture that I have two prides of life.
This is a stereoscope picture and is a new feature of this
magazine and will have a different picture each issue. If you will
cut it out on the heavy lines and paste on light cardboard with
rubber cement you will have a three dimensional picture you can
view in the old fashioned stereoscope viewer glasses. If you like
it let Roy know.