Post Cards

By Staff
Published on March 1, 1971
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A pair of Case ''50's''. (See story.)
A pair of Case ''50's''. (See story.)
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Exact to the original length 6'2'' x 2'9'' wide. Weight 5 cwt. Coal fired, multi-tubular boiler. Tested 200 water pressure steam at 60 psi. Boiler holds 4 gallon. Tender tank 5 gallons. Burns anything. Boiler fed by pump, two speed. Mechanical lubricator.
Exact to the original length 6'2'' x 2'9'' wide. Weight 5 cwt. Coal fired, multi-tubular boiler. Tested 200 water pressure steam at 60 psi. Boiler holds 4 gallon. Tender tank 5 gallons. Burns anything. Boiler fed by pump, two speed. Mechanical lubricator.
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(Teacher lends a hand to his star pupil as D. M. Bishop forks some peanuts into the picker. The agriculture teacher prophesies a bright future for his one-time Student.)
(Teacher lends a hand to his star pupil as D. M. Bishop forks some peanuts into the picker. The agriculture teacher prophesies a bright future for his one-time Student.)
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Adjusting a clutch on this Nichols and Shepard is all in a day's work for Art Schrodt and Chester Johnson, of Creston, Iowa. The engine is owned by Milo Mathews, Mt. Union, Iowa. Taken at Old Settlers Reunion in 1969 at Mt. Pleasant.
Adjusting a clutch on this Nichols and Shepard is all in a day's work for Art Schrodt and Chester Johnson, of Creston, Iowa. The engine is owned by Milo Mathews, Mt. Union, Iowa. Taken at Old Settlers Reunion in 1969 at Mt. Pleasant.
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Badge Collection No. 2 - collected from around July 1969 to the last of January 1970. I got letters from seven states in the U. S. and one from Canada after the Badge picture No. 1 was in the I.M.A. The picture was taken by my cousin, Lou Bradley of Morri
Badge Collection No. 2 - collected from around July 1969 to the last of January 1970. I got letters from seven states in the U. S. and one from Canada after the Badge picture No. 1 was in the I.M.A. The picture was taken by my cousin, Lou Bradley of Morri
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Threshing on the A. L. Woltmann farm, Shelby, Iowa, in August of 1921. That is my Grandfather, (A. L. Woltmann) engineering the Case Engine. The small boy on the platform is his youngest son, Clarence, who was killed by lightning while haying some 22 year
Threshing on the A. L. Woltmann farm, Shelby, Iowa, in August of 1921. That is my Grandfather, (A. L. Woltmann) engineering the Case Engine. The small boy on the platform is his youngest son, Clarence, who was killed by lightning while haying some 22 year
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C&NW 1015, 4-4-2, built 1900, Schenectady. It is now at the National Museum of Transport, St. Louis, Missouri.
C&NW 1015, 4-4-2, built 1900, Schenectady. It is now at the National Museum of Transport, St. Louis, Missouri.

This clipping has pondered me a long time. It was taken from a
St. Paul Sunday Pioneer Press dated November 26,1950. This with
other pictures, of an outstanding young Florida Farmer by the name
of Forrest Davis; no further address given. He is pictured on left
pitching peanuts into a thresher. It is my hopes it could be used
in ‘The Album’ in effort to bring out some further

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