James W. Russell, 125 E. 600 Ave., Oblong, IL 62449, sends this
photograph of his 20 HP Advance, serial number 8138. Of the
Advance, James says, ‘We, with the help of good friends, have
done a great deal of restoration on it, and we’ve enjoyed it
very much.’
Russell Gelder, 6251 Pearl Dr., Manhattan, MT 59741-8431, sends
Minneapolis plow engine at the 2001 Barnes Steam and Power Show
outside of Belgrade, Mont. Riding the plow are sons Justin and
Lance along with Mike Yaeger at far right.
The industrial age meets native American culture: Another shot
from Russell Gelder, this time of his family’s 1910 75 HP Case
at the Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, Mont.