I don’t recall that there has been many pictures of ROBINSON
engines in the ALBUM so am sending you this one.
This picture was taken by my wife while we were threshing at the
Walter Wartick farm 3 miles south east of Columbus, Illinois on
August 11, 1935. I was owner and operator of this engine at that
This photo was taken October, 1967 on the farm of Martin Wolter,
my son-in-law. He has one of the most modern dairy barns in this
part of the country. The silo is 18 feet by 60 feet They had a farm
tractor belted to the blower but didn’t have enough power to
blow the ensilage up, so we brought our 22 H.P. Advance Rumely
down. It took just five minutes to unload one of the big wagons.
Everybody was surprised to see how easy the engine handled it.
This is a stereoscope picture and is a new feature of this
magazine and will have a different picture each issue. If you will
cut it out on the heavy lines and paste on light cardboard with
rubber cement you will have a three dimensional picture you can
view in the old fashioned steroscope viewer glasses. If you like it
let Roy know and us too! – Anna Mae