Keith Oderkirk of the Oderkirk Museum, Haines City, Florida,
stands proudly behind his 4 inch scale 20-65 Advance Rumely built
by J. W. Nipper of Warrenville, S.C. This one is a full blood
brother of the one Mr. Nipper exhibited at the Oderkirk Museum
March 13 last year. Its double cylinder engine is the smoothest
running of any engine I ever saw and Mr. Nipper used steel gas-line
much more, for the barrel of the boiler, which was spread out,
welded and riveted for the fire-box end. Possibly not to exact
scale of original, but any deviation is an improvement.
Col. Herndon’s ‘Sterno’ fired hot-air engine. The
sterno was exhausted just as I started to photograph it. I have no
statistics on this engine. Its size may best be judged by comparing
it with the sterno can at its base. It probably was used for light
duty, such as turning a fan, etc., before the coming of the
universal use of electricity. It constitutes a most interesting
look at ‘Yesterday,’ and Col. Herndon’s huge collection
of such items will be worth driving across the country to see when
he finally has them arranged for viewing. Hasta Manana!