(Just came across this old picture and it has no name on it –
but it did have the above writing on it and I’m sure that is
Elmer at the throttle. At the top of the picture is written
September 1951. Anybody know who sent it?? Anna Mae.)
Old time Threshing Crew in North Dakota Harry Sabinash of Rt. 2,
Wadena, submitted this photo of his father’s threshing crew
many teams of horses with racks loaded with grain and the long
drive belt from the steam engine to the threshing machine. The old
Model T Ford in the foreground has kerosene lamps on the side and
many shocks of grain can be seen in the area. The cooks are
standing in front of the steam engine. Harry’s father and
Mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Sabinash, passed away in North Dakota
late in 1970. Harry, of Leaf River Township and Wadena county,
requested the photo and it will bring back many memories to the
Sabinash’s and others of this community who can recall the old
time threshing crews and rigs that would work for months during the
fall to complete the grain harvest. Harry came to Wadena Co. in
1956. He has one sister, Eleanor Falk of Jamestown, N.D.; four
brothers Carl in Buchanan, John of Jamestown, Jerome of Tioga and
Joe of Courtney, N.D.