Arnold Edwards of R.R. 1, Hannon, Ontario sends this picture of
his 25-25 George White engine belted to a Goodison threshing
machine at the 1987 Golden Horseshoe Antique Society Show at
Caledonia. His wife Donna is in the picture with him and they are
threshing wheat.
IHC 25 HP Titan tractor, Port Huron ‘Rusher’ thresher,
postcard reprints were submitted by Scott L. Thompson, Rt. 2, Box
30, Tremont, IL 61568.
This stunning 1909 15-45 Case is the property of Ray Kemerer, a
long time subscriber to I.M.A. The engine graces the cover of our
1989 Steam and Gas Show Directory. It was recently restored by the
family which includes son-in-law Kerry Reisen who sent the
pictures. It has been seen on the Case incline at Justin
Hintgen’s Great Mississippi Valley Steam Show during the late
50’s and 60’s, when it was driven by engineer Harry
Woodmanse, of Dowling, Michigan. Ray put in many long hours making
the engine what it is today-he lives in Zwingle, Iowa.