A photo of the Best steam engine made in Lancaster, Pa. by John
Best. This is a rare photo. It is the only actual photograph we
have ever seen of this engine. We do not know how old it is, but
not many men of today remember when this engine was being
Mr. Monroe Swartz, Richfield, Pa., has an unusual way of
brings the grain from the Combine and it is elevated into the Huber
thresher. This is done only to have it recleaned. The weigher
elevates it and pours it into a regular farm elevator which carries
it to the storage bin.
This cleans the grain of sticks, straws, light grain, green
stuff and dirt, which saves on storage space. This is an
interesting operation. – – Elmer
It looks like a very old Huber to me and I wish there was more
data on it. – – – Elmer.