This engine threshed and pulled a sawmill in and around Ewing,
Kentucky. Clayton Clarke, owner is at the smoke box. The three
little girls are unknown. E. D. Pyles and his niece and nephews.
This engine was traded on a new Oil pull 25-45 tractor and a new
separator around 1927. I helped him move this outfit from Ewing to
south of Paris, Kentucky, where I helped thresh that season. If
The 36 x 60 would thrash about 150 bushels per hour and use 4
gallons of fuel per hour.
Henry is pitching bundles in the feeder, Chris Nelson at center
and his son, John, in the cab.
The flywheel a-lone weighs 1,100 Ib. The 30-60’s were first
made in 1907 at Charles City, Iowa with 2 cyl. oil-cooled engine
each cylinder with independent speed control. No throttle was used.
This tractor is owned by Robert Olson of Squaw Gap area near
Sidney, Mt. and has been restored by the Northeastern Montana
Threshers and Antique Association. Merle Krogedal of Froid is at
the wheel, the late Ted Sorenson of Crane on the shift lever and
Harlow Strandlund, mechanic of Homestead on the ground. All are
Association members from three Montana communities. They are
‘powering up’ the old Hart Parr for the annual Threshing
Bee and Antique Show Parade. This year’s show will be held
Sept. 25 and 26 at Culbertson, Montana.