Charlie McMurray, Grove City, PA operating 20 HP, 1916 Twentieth
Century engine then owned by Art Blair, Petrolia, PA. Charlie and
his father once owned the engine. Other owners included Archie
Glenn and Elmer Ritzman. The engine is now owned by Marily and
James Blake Malz, Andover, OH. Photo by Blake Mal-kamaki, 10839
Girdled, Concord, OH 44077.
The 19 HP Port Huron Compound shown at left was purchased by
Elmer G. Bickel of Saginaw, Michigan, in 1972. He has exhibited it
at steam shows at Caro, Mayville, and Ithaca, Michigan. The engine
has been carefully restored, cleaned, and painted. Working pressure
is 125 psi.
Jack W. Beamish, Box 271, Hamiota, Manitoba, Canada ROM 0T0,
sent this photo of a crew threshing Neepawa wheat on September 28,
1991. He writes, ‘Power was supplied by a 1914 80 HP Case steam
engine (out of camera range to the left). The threshing machine is
a 1910 wooden Red River Special 40′ x 60′. One year was
spent rebuilding the woodwork and painting! The machine is equipped
with a 45′ Garden City feeder; this was the first time it was
run in over 40 years. Parts were used off the old 40′ x 60′
Red River my grandfather bought new in 1910. My dad Lincoln Beamish
and Uncle Doug Beamish custom threshed with steam into the ’40s
and ran a crew of around 30 men with 12 stook teams! On this modern
crew, I was separator man, son Colin (age 9) sat on the tractor
seat to watch and level grain box, and Jim Briden, Mark Peterson,
Jim Mitchell, and George Cooper pitched sheaves.’
Morris Blomgren has sent us this unidentified photo which we
hope may be familiar to someone out in Engine Land! Morris lives at
10139 Blomgren, Siren, Wisconsin 54872.